If you are an artist and have ever taken a workshop with a teacher at a special location this is what Kanuga is on steroids.
10 teachers, 4 days filled with teachings, camaraderie, happy hour, Breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, entertainment, critiques, shows, art talk and all the wonderful people which total 150+ wonderful
If you had ever been to Springmaid workshops or a smaller version like Dillman's you know as an artist there is so much fun and learning that goes on at these kind of workshop events. Kunuga is the premiere workshop event that happens once a year and I have gone as a teacher and a student for the last 5 times it has run and I plan on making it a yearly event that I truly love to attend.
The workshop happens in Montreat, North Carolina which is nestled in a valley very close to Black Mountain and Asheville NC.
If you are someone that goes every year there are new different instructors every year so there is always someone new to choose from. There are also independent studies and a class called paint with friends. Cheap Joe now runs this event so they even have a Cheap Joes Pop Up Store available for art
Kanuga Watermedia Workshops