BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter June 18th Green in Nature
Published: Tue, 06/18/24
Updated: Tue, 06/18/24
Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #472
I'm up here in Bagley, Minnesota for the second workshop of 4 that I have scheduled for the next week
and a half. Luckily I had a day off on Monday so I could work on this newsletter.
In this week's newsletter I will be discussing GREEN and what it looks like in nature. See video below.
Email me at for any info you may need about my classes or workshops.
Discussing Greens in Nature
For years you have heard me tell on how much I dislike and find it hard to use the color green. Well it seems that I am letting up on my dislike for greens in nature. After working outdoors and painting plein-air scenes I've come to realize that the greens that I have been painting with have been the wrong greens.
Check out the video below where I discuss greens in nature.
Product of the Week
Available Here Check out this cute little sketch box easel.
Artist of the Week
Dale Popovich Here is a wonderful artist/teacher/friend that definitely knows how to paint his greens in nature.
The BeckerArt Paint-a-long
Live Demo Happens June 20th at 6:30 CST
Here is the reference photo below that you can press on and then download the image.
This week's Paint-a-long is about how to paint greens
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For any other info please email me at If you would like to donate funds to
support this newsletter or my free Live Paint-a-longs, you can do so by clicking Paypal Donate button below.