BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter July 7th

Published: Tue, 07/07/15


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #10

The Holiday weekend is over and summer is in full swing, this is a perfect time to get back into creating some new artwork. In this week's newsletter, I will be talking about pricing your artwork. 

This Saturday's BeckerArt Paint Party at The Studio still has a few openings. More info below.
Sign up ASAP so you don't miss out. call 815-385-3990 to sign-up.

My Saturday Classes at The Studio McHenry are pay-as-you-go this summer at $20.00 per class.
NO Saturday Class Sat. AUGUST 1st. 

My Thursday Class will NOT meet  JULY 30th, or AUGUST 6th

Pricing your Artwork
If you'd ask me, what is the most asked question that students ask, it would be "what should I price my artwork at" This has always been a hard question to answer, but recently I took a course from a business consultant for artists and I learned a great deal from her about this subject.

Since I like to make my teachings simple, effective and easy to understand, I will try to answer this question with those principals in tacked, even though this is a complicated issue.

1. Do some research on what others that are similar to you are selling their work for. This can give you a good idea of what you can price your art for. Find artists that are selling in the area that you want to sell in. Different areas get different prices.

2. Who is your target market or who do you want to sell to? Know who you are selling to or want to sell to.
Once you set a price remember not to change it. This price will be for all buyers, you can't give different people different prices. From that point on your prices should only change when the price goes up for your work.... make sure that your prices never go down.

3. Make sure you get more than what you paid to paint and frame your work.

4. Selling cheap, cheapens your work.
Here is an excerpt of the article By Laura C George the business consultant I took a Bootcamp from, this explains a lot about the collector and why you don't want to underprice your work:  "Collectors (and casual art purchasers too) have a certain expectation for how much art should cost. Depending on their personality and current life circumstances, they may want to pay less than they expect, exactly what they expect, or more than they expect. Most often, people who are open to buying art – which usually feels like an unnecessary luxury – are in the latter category of wanting to pay more than they expect the art would cost.

When you spend a lot of money, you feel like you’re getting something of incredibly high quality. Most collectors want to purchase high quality art (and other things in their life as well). It might leave them with a bad feeling if they go out to eat and order the cheapest thing on the menu. That makes them feel cheap. And the same happens with art. A collector wants to feel like they can afford something high-end. They want to treat themselves. They want to feel like they have great taste – and the price tag reflects the quality of art, and thus their taste level."

Class Exhibit coming in Dec. at The Dole in Crystal Lake
If you have been a student of mine this year at my McHenry or Libertyville class you will be eligible to enter some of your work in this show at The Dole Mansion in Crystal Lake. More info to come. This will give you another good reason to take my class.

This isn't the official postcard or logo of the event, that will also be coming soon.
It will however be called The Gifted Aquamedia Exhibit. 
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Paint Party This Saturday Night
This Saturday night we still have seats available. Friday night is sold out, so hurry to get your seat for Saturday before that night is also sold out.
TO REGISTER CALL The Studio at: 815-385-3990
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Vermont Art Event 2015
My next workshop out of state is in Vermont for the 19th Annual Vermont Art Event in South Burlington, July 28th to August 1st. If you are in the area those days, stop by to take a workshop from a choice of 7 different instructors. Make sure you take at least one of my classes!
 Click HERE to download the Catalog.

Greek Islands Workshop Oct 5th 2016
Here is one of the 8 harbors we will be traveling to, Nafplion. 
I will be showing you many of the different islands so we can get excited about this trip. 
We already have people signing up.....thank you, thank you!
For all the information on this workshop go HERE

Link of the Week.
If you are an artist and you want to see art work to get inspired then this is the website for you. Best website on the internet!
Googles Art Project
Book of the Week
If you went to The American Academy of Art in Chicago in the 80s, and you took paintings classes, this is the book you had to purchase. This is a very helpful book when it comes to learning how to compose your painting.​
Buy it on Amazon
 For any other info please email me at