BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter July 14th

Published: Tue, 07/14/15


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #11

I want to thank all of you signing up for my newsletter and for all the wonderful comments that I have received about the newsletter. I'm so glad you are enjoying it and that you are learning a little bit every week.

This week's newsletter is about the most important lesson of all.... Practice, Practice, Practice!

No need to sign up for my Saturday class at The Studio, just show up and join us, that's the way we do it in the summer,  we never know who will be showing up to class so come surprise us.

My Saturday Classes at The Studio McHenry are pay-as-you-go at $20.00 per class.
NO Saturday Class Sat. AUGUST 1st. 

My Thursday Class will NOT meet  JULY 30th, or AUGUST 6th

Practice may not make perfect, but it will get you there a whole lot quicker!
If you have ever been in one of my classes or workshops you know that the first thing we do at the start of class is practice. We practice all sorts of things, including washes, gradations, drawing, floating the color, brush handling, and anything else that will help you later when you get into painting a work of art.

Many students jump right into a painting without ever practicing with the medium or anything to do with the painting materials. Every profession usually has some type of practice that one does before becoming efficient with their skills.

Get yourself motivated to do just a bit of practicing at your craft every day. It doesn't even have to be a long period, just a few minutes every day helps.

Whenever you get a new brush, paper or a new tube of watercolor the first thing you should be doing is practicing with these new materials...learn how they feel and work for you. once you get the materials working for you, then you can take the next step in creating beautiful paintings!


BeckerArt Paint Parties in acrylic happen every Fri. and Sat.
​Come practice and party with me!


$30 PER PERSON, $25 when you bring friends
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Vermont Art Event
My next workshop out of state is in Vermont for the 19th Annual Vermont Art Event in South Burlington, July 28th to August 1st. If you are in the area those days, stop by to take a workshop from a choice of 7 different instructors. Make sure you take at least one of my classes!
 Click HERE to download the Catalog.

Greek Islands Workshop Oct 5th 2016. Port, Monevasia!
Here is another one of the 8 harbors we will be traveling to, Monevasia
I will be showing you many of the different islands we will be traveling to on this workshop.
This is getting exciting, come sign up ASAP
We already have people signing up.....thank you, thank you!
For all the information on this workshop go HERE

Link of the Week.
If you are looking for plastic covering for your standard size paintings, go to the link below, they are having a great sale on plastic clear coverings.
Clear Plastic bags for your painting on sale!

Book of the Week
here is another book that everyone wanted when they went to the American Academy of Art in Chicago  This is the book that The American Academy of Art used to help run the teachings and what the whole program was based on. 

This is a new addition of the book, if you have a first addition, it is worth a good penny!
Buy it on Amazon
 For any other info please email me at