BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter May 19th

Published: Tue, 05/19/15


Welcome to the third FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter. 

Back from St Louis and I am all psyched about getting out to do some plein-air painting or at least get loads of photos shot for reference material. Spring flowers and the blossoms on the trees are amazing right now and you can't wait too long to paint or shot them before they are gone. Get out there and shot some shots with that phone

A reminder to my weekly classes..... Thursday & Saturday there will be class, see you there.

Stop Texting and Start Shooting 
Most everyone now has a cell phone that includes a built in camera. Now a days there is no excuse for not taking loads of reference material.
I see so many students using photos from the internet, newspapers and magazines and those may be okay in the beginning to learn to paint from, but as you get experience under your belt, it will be time to gather your own reference materials. 

Choose subject matter you love and know a lot about. Those two choices are the most important when it comes to choosing subject matter. 
If you love and know the subject matter you are painting, it shows in the painting when you are creating.

This photo was taken while walking through the botanical garden in St Louis last week. It took about 3 seconds to take. I took about 4 shots of this same plant from different angles and this one was the best shot, the rest I threw out. Since it no longer costs to develop film, when you shoot for reference, take loads of the same shot from different angles, then pick the best to paint from.
Mix your Greens using Quinacridone Gold
Summer is right around the corner and artists are going to start painting all that green, green grass, green leaves, green bushes, green everything. I recommend mixing your greens and the best color to use for that is Quinacridone Gold. Use the gold with any blue, be it light or dark blues and watch them turn out to be a very natural looking greens. 

A good hint for painting green is use blue and grey greens in the back and more vibrant and yellow greens in the front.

I recommend Holbein watercolors  for the best colors and even better is that they don't dry to small dried out clumps, Squeeze your entire tube into the palette and you don't need to worry about carry along all those tubes. When you add a little water to those colors they rejuvenate into workable pigment instantly.
A link to the Holbein site
BeckerArt Paint Parties this week
This week I going to busy with a bunch of paint parties, 5 to be exact.
1 is a private party, 2 are SOLD OUT but I still have room on the 21st and 24th

Thursday the 21st I will be at The Deer Path Art League painting Hollyhocks.
LINK HERE for more info.

Sunday the 24th I will be at The Studio painting the Blackhawks logo.
LINK HERE for more info.
My Dillman's June 7-12th Workshop Offer still stands
Just a reminder for anybody still interested in taking my workshop at Dillman's.
Check out this special offer to all those attending my 2015 workshop at Dillman's.
This year I am giving each student that takes this workshop my new 1 1/4" BeckerArt Brush, along with a demo sketch painted with that brush. Don't miss out on this offer, it won't happen again anytime soon.
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Link of the Week...... Let's Discuss on my BeckerArt Facebook Page
This week's link is the same site as last week because I never got around to discussing the site on my Facebook page. I would still like to discuss this site
I hope to post this discussion on my Facebook page so we can discuss. 
Biggest Question I still would like to find out.... Is this site worth selling your work through?

 For any other info please email me at or