BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter May 26th

Published: Tue, 05/26/15


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #4. 

This weeks newsletter will be focusing on finishing all those paintings that you put aside for completing later or didn't get a chance to finish. I will be going over the BeckerArt 5F's in taking all those undone works and getting them completed.

There is still time to sign up for my Dillman's Workshop. See below for my special offer.

My Saturday Class at The Studio McHenry will be starting the pay-as-you-go summer sessions at $20.00 per class.  NO CLASS on these days, JUNE 13th, JUNE 20th, AUGUST 1st. 

My Thursday Class will NOT meet on JUNE 11th, JULY 30th, AUGUST 6th

BeckerArt's 5 F's for getting your paintings to the end
How many unfinished paintings do you have lying around? If you are like most artist your answer would have been, a lot.
Go through your studio and round all those paintings up and once a month save a date to do one of the BeckerArt 5F's on them.
F1. FINISH: These are the paintings where there are no problems, just that you never got the chance to finish them. That 1st F is to make some time available to finish those unfinished works, at least set some time aside once a month.
F2. FIX: These paintings went wrong somewhere and you will need to spend some time working on figuring what is wrong with the painting and fixing them to get them finished.
F3. FLUSH: This is a little like FIX, but to the extreme. Take your painting to a sink and flush off as much of the paint from the paper as possible and start the painting again, or there may be a small section that you will need to scrub out and flush with water, so you can start that small section again from scratch.
F4. FLIP: This painting is the one where there is no longer hope for it and it just can't be saved or finished. The Solution is to flip the paper over and start a new painting on the back of that wonderful watercolor paper.
F5. FLING: This is that painting you did twice, on both sides of the paper and neither side turned out.... must have been a bad composition. So fling that piece of paper into the recycle bin, That piece of paper now has to be used for something else. I would suggest coating it with an acrylic gesso and do an acrylic painting or use an Absorbent Ground gesso and use it for watercolor again.

Those are the 5 F's ..... now set aside some time to get those unfinished works finished.
When is my painting finished?
A question that many students ask me "when do you know you are finished with a painting"?
I usually answer that you will know when it's done because you won't know what else to do.
You may or may not like the finished piece, but just because you may not like the painting doesn't mean it isn't finished. If you don't like the painting in the end, and you keep on going over and over areas trying to fix things, that usually results in making things worse. Many times it best to leave it looking fresh and not overworked, even though you may not like it exactly the way it is. Leave washes fresh and clean, this makes it look like the wash was exactly like you had intended, even though it may not have been the way you intended it to be at all.

An example of this is demonstrated in the painting above. I do not like the way I painted the front of the church building. I could have scrubbed and washed the area out and repainted the area making it look more realistic, but then it probably would have drawn attention to an overworked area where I really don't want the viewers eyes going to. I want the viewers eyes to first see the people and under the lit up awning, where my center of interest is.

Now that I said this, you are constantly looking at the church, aren't you. I bet when you first looked at the image above you just saw a nice painting, not looking closely at details. This is the reason I tell students to get up and look at their work from a distance and walk away from your work and come back and look at it with a fresh eye. Keep you painting clean and simple, don't over think or over work it.
2 more weeks to Dillman's June 7-12th Workshop
Offer Still Stands!
Just a reminder for anybody still interested in taking my workshop at Dillman's.  SIGN-UP ASAP

Check out this special offer to all those attending my Dillman's 2015 workshop

This year I am giving each student that takes this workshop my new 1 1/4" BeckerArt Brush, along with a demo sketch painted with that brush. Don't miss out on this offer, it won't happen again anytime soon.
More info on workshop HERE
Link of the Week.
This week's link is a handbook on many things you should know about if you are selling on Etsy.
​Great information here. Start selling your work on Etsy!

 For any other info please email me at or