BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter June 2nd

Published: Tue, 06/02/15


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #5 Lighting is Everything

This week I am focusing the newsletter on lighting your subject matter. Spend some time when taking those reference photos to get the good lighting, otherwise you have to make things up in your minds-eye to make the lighting more exciting and get a good value pattern.

One more week before I'm teaching at Dillman's....there is still time to sign up and the special offer is still standing. check below for more info.

Don't forget the Lake Geneva Paint-In is happening June 13th and 14th info below

My Saturday Classes at The Studio McHenry started the pay-as-you-go summer sessions at $20.00 per class. NO Saturday Classes on these days, JUNE 13th, JUNE 20th, AUGUST 1st. 

My Thursday Class will NOT meet on JUNE 11th, JULY 30th, AUGUST 6th

If you enjoy my newsletter please feel free to share and forward to your friends.

Lighting is Everything
A picture is worth a thousand words, all you need to do is look at the before and after images below to see how important lighting your subject matter is.
​Lighting changes a boring scene into a paintable scene.

Make time to take your own reference material and make sure you also look for the best light.
The Values of a Value Sketch
Lighting is important in a painting's composition and a way to arrange those values of light is to draw up a value sketch to work out the composition.
​This is especially important for the beginner painter since the beginner usually can't envision a good light and dark value pattern in their minds eye. 
If you are using a color photo reference the first thing you can do to see the patterns of light is to turn the photo to black and white. many artists use this B&W photo as their value sketch, but if the composition in the reference needs to be changed then a drawn value sketch is the way to go. Another way of seeing values in a color photo is to squint your eyes when studying the photo's value pattern.
Next week I'm up at Dillman's, you can still sign up to join me and the Offer Still Stands!
Last minute SIGN-UPS are still available for next weeks workshop!

Check out this special offer to all those attending my Dillman's 2015 workshop

This year I am giving each student my new 1 1/4" BeckerArt Brush, along with a demo sketch painted with that brush. Don't miss out on this offer, it won't happen again anytime soon.
More info on workshop HERE
Link of the Week.
On JUNE 13 & 14, 2014 - 11:00AM - 4:00PM Many of my students and myself included, will be painting and selling on the streets in Lake Geneva. Stop by if you are in  the area.
 For any other info please email me at