BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter November 17th

Published: Tue, 11/17/15


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #29

Last Friday I had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful folks that came out to see the exhibit I was part of at The Palette and Chisel Gallery.The turn out was wonderful and I so enjoyed talking to so many admirers of my work. If you didn't get a chance to see the exhibit and you would like to, the show hangs until November 30th at The Palette and Chisel Gallery, 1012 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60610

Today's Newsletter I talk about entering juried shows.

The next exhibit will be for my Students to show their work at The Dole Mansion in Crystal Lake, IL
for more info CLICK HERE

Yes there will be class this Thursday in Libertyville and on Saturday at The Studio in McHenry

For those students signing up for the Dole exhibit, you can drop off works this Thursday at the Libertyville class or Saturday at The Studio, McHenry class. If you don't have the forms I will have forms available.

Good Luck when entering those shows!
Entering Juried Exhibits
"Should I enter my works into a juried watercolor exhibit"? I have been asked this question by many of my students, it isn't a yes or no answer. Most of the time my answer is absolutely..... try and get into some of these shows. The problem is that most of the good shows are very hard to get into for beginners.

There are many good reasons to try and enter juried shows:
1. it makes you paint and work to sharpen your skills as a watercolorist.
2. makes you look at your work in a whole new way.... you begin looking at it through the eyes of a judge
3. recognition for your work
4. awards
5. meeting other artist's to network with and learn from
6. signature memberships

The bad side is:
1. costs
2. rejection

Many times the good reasons out number the bad, but it all depends on each artist and the level they are at.
Enter shows when you feel you have a good piece of work. Even if you don't have a large body of work doesn't mean you can't enter a piece of art that you feel blows your socks off. It doesn't matter if you don't think you can do another like it, You did that piece and if you feel it's great, enter it. 

"What should I enter", is another question I get asked. Think about if you were the judge, what would you pick if you had to pick your work against the works you can find in previous shows all over the internet. Does your piece stack up against those works that got accepted? 

When I judge a show, and I have judged quite a few, the first thing I look for is the WOW Factor. 
I go through the show or slides quickly looking first for the paintings that stop me in my tracks.
What stops me in my that are well composed with professional techniques and many times compositions and subject matter that I haven't seen done before or in a different kind of way. Paintings that have the wow factor can be all different sizes, but I have to admit that when I see the painting in person and see the size, big always seems more impressive then small. But I have also seen some very impressive small works, but if you put that small piece next to an impressive large painting, I believe the larger one usually takes the prize.

Don't paint a piece of art strictly working in a style or subject matter that you think will make it into a juried show.Trying to paint in a style you feel the judge will accept or trying to guess what the judge is looking for just won't work...paint pieces because you love to paint that subject matter and paint in your style that you are accustom to, this makes for a much better masterpiece, and in the end you want to be known for the style that everyone equates to you the artist.

Below I have listed the well-known shows in the country. There are also many online exhibits that you can enter, which I have also listed below
As a beginner, you may want to start with local juried exhibits and move into national ones as you get more acquainted with the process of entering shows.

Below and above, a few of the works hanging in the exhibit at The Palette and Chisel Gallery until November 30th
 Palette and Chisel Gallery
1012 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60610
P&C (312) 642-4400​
Aquamedia Exhibit at The Dole Mansion
The Studio & BeckerArt invite you to "THE GIFTS", A 1st Friday Event at The Lakeside Legacy/Dole Mansion, 

Exhibiting artist’s are from David R Becker’s Watercolor Classes at The Studio and from The Civic Center in Libertyville
First Friday Opening 12-4-15 
5 to 8pm Lakeside Legacy / The Dole Mansion
401 Country Club Road
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
(815) 455-8000
The Studio, McHenry (815) 385-3990
Read More
Brushing up!

NEW! The BeckerArt Brush is now available through this email to anyone that wants to purchase an amazing

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brush.
​Made to my specifications, which were, The point of this 1 1/4" flat brush had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper.
The BeckerArt Brush retails for $40.65 but you can get a personally autographed BeckerArt Brush direct from me for $25.00 Priority shipping along with handling is $5.00 total $30.00 for the best 1 1/4" Brush out there!

Link of the Week

Link of the Week 2

Online Juried Shows

 For any other info please email me at