BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter December 29th

Published: Tue, 12/29/15


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #35

Time to celebrate the new year and as always I will be looking to keep my new years resolution.
This newsletter will be going into those resolutions but first I would like to thank all of you that subscribe to this newsletter and for making this year so wonderful. I have received so many wonderful notes about how they love this newsletter and thanking me for doing it. No need to thank me because I love doing it and getting the word out there about this great medium of watercolor.

On January 31st I will be in Florida at The Marco Island Center for the Arts, demonstrating in watercolor for Dillman's Festival of Artists. more info below

NO to Class this Thursday at the Civic Center in Libertyville
YES to Class Saturday at The Studio in McHenry.

Happy New Year!
Creative Resolutions
This will be the year that I will keep my resolutions.....I say that every year and every year about a month into those resolutions they disappear. Last week as I was thinking about what those resolutions would be for me this year, I thought about how us artists usually come up with wanting to paint more. I make that resolution almost every year, and every year it doesn't happen. Then I started thinking that this may be too big a commitment for most people, myself included, that have so many other things in their lives that are happening.
Yes, I am making excuses, but for a good reason, most people don't paint for their profession and they don't make a living doing it, so this is probably the main reason most people can't sit down and paint every day.

What I have come up with this year for that paint more resolution is not to paint more but to be more creative. 
Most people I know really don't have enough time to paint every single day, but I think most people can make a few minutes available every day to be a little more creative. Being creative, I believe can help you in so many wonderful ways and I'm betting that it will also help you when you do get that time to paint.

Here are only a few examples I have come up with for things I want to do to be more creative:

• check out a new medium and see what artists are doing with that medium
• take reference photos of things you normally wouldn't take pictures of
• sketch your morning cup of coffee and give yourself only a few minutes
• draw on a strange surface with a strange medium
• talk to an artist friend about an artist that you may not like very much and one you love
* Have someone, I'm thinking a kid, do a squiggly line for you and you draw something out of that line.
• Float some pigment on a sheet of watercolor paper and try putting all sorts of weird things into that wash
• draw each letter of the alphabet to be an object that starts with the letter you are drawing
• check out a how to video on youtube and then give it your best shot
• play some games like Pictionary, Scribblish with artist friends or anybody
• try drawing a caricature of someone
• paint with coffee
• check out an art book at your library
• try drawing something you see but do it upside-down
• come up with creative things to do

Creative thinking and doing is so important to the artist and helps you grow as an artist in so many ways. 
My resolution this year is to try and be creative every day and I hope you can give it a shot too!
Above is a collage I tried to do a couple of years ago.... it was so different and difficult to do but I had a great time doing it and I learned so much from trying something different.
New Years Eve last minute Paint Party
This Thursday I am throwing a last minute private New Years Eve Paint Party at The Studio in McHenry, starting 7:30 for any of my friends that live near McHenry that would like to come and paint with us. If you are getting this newsletter you are a friend and I would love to have you party with us. You can also invite your friends if you like.
The picture to the left is what we will be painting.

The cost is $20.00 per person... we supply everything except the drinks and food.
for party location click here 

Email me at to let me know you are interested and I will mark you down on the guest list.
Dillman's Festival of Artists at the Marco Island Center for the Arts
On January 31st, I will be demonstrating for the Dillman's Festival of the Artists in Florida at the Marco Island Center for the Arts.
Read More
BeckerArt Brushes

NEW! The BeckerArt Brushes are now available to purchase.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness and the perfect point.

The BeckerArt  1 1/4" brush retails for $40.65  you can get a personally autographed BeckerArt Brush direct from me for $25.00
The BeckerArt  #16 Round retails for $25.00  you can get a personally autographed BeckerArt Brush direct from me for $18.00

The BeckerArt #4 Rigger retails for $8.75 you can get this brush direct from me for $6.00 To small to autograph

Buy all 3 as a set which retails for $74.40 direct from me for only $45.00
Priority shipping along with handling per order is $6.00

Click Here to Shop

Link of the Week

Great place to get some creative ideas and also learn how to do things.

 For any other info please email me at