BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter February 2nd Leaving White

Published: Tue, 02/02/16


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #40 Leaving White

Happy Groundhog's Day from Fort Myers, Florida.... looks like the groundhog didn't see its shadow so it's going to be an early spring...... alright!

Being in the sunshine state with white sand beaches, makes it very easy to keep the whites of your paper when composing your watercolors. I will be talking about that subject in this newsletter.

YES to Class this Thursday at the Civic Center in Libertyville
YES  to Class this Saturday at The Studio in McHenry.

Happy Painting!
Leaving Whites of your Paper

Last week in this newsletter I talked about using white to show moving water, but there are many times when you can use the white of your paper to show a bright light in your painting.

The painting above was the demonstration I did for the Marco Island Arts Center for Dillman's and it was extremely important to use whites to make the sun shine bright in the scene.

Below is the start of the second demonstration I did at the center and it  shows how to use white of the paper to show where the sunlight is compared to where the shadow is. Even if these buildings were not actually white, I would make the sunlit side white to show the light.

The 3 times to leave the white of the paper are 1. to show the difference between the lights and shadows.
2. use the white of the paper when the actual object that you are painting is white, with sunlight on it or not.
3. use white of paper for highlights.

The easiest way to leave the white of your paper is to use liquid frisket, but make sure you realise that the edges will always be hard, so if you want soft edges don't use the frisket.

BeckerArt Brushes

NEW! The BeckerArt Brushes are now available to purchase.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness and the perfect point.

The BeckerArt  1 1/4" brush retails for $40.65  you can get a personally autographed BeckerArt Brush direct from me for $25.00
The BeckerArt  #16 Round retails for $25.00  you can get a personally autographed BeckerArt Brush direct from me for $18.00

The BeckerArt #4 Rigger retails for $8.75 you can get this brush direct from me for $6.00 To small to autograph

Buy all 3 as a set which retails for $74.40 direct from me for only $45.00
Priority shipping along with handling per order is $6.00

Click Here to Shop

NEW!  Watercolor Artist of the Week
Each week I will be bringing you an artist that I admire and that amazes me. I hope these artist's will amaze and inspire you to keep on painting and develop your own style as much as they inspire me.
Yes this week I am picking a couple from Florida that are amazing watercolorists.
Both their works are stunning!
Link of the Week
Florida is filled with so much wonderful art. Here is one of their watercolor societies.
 For any other info please email me at