BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter April 19th Workshop Expectations

Published: Tue, 04/19/16


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #51 Workshop Expectations

What an incredible workshop we all had at the Twin Cities Decorative Arts Guild....if you want to see some of the painting lessons we did, follow me on Facebook. One of the workshop paintings is shown above, the Newsletter cover (Stone Arch Bridge).
A special Thank You goes out to Diane Gilbertson who was the organizer and an amazing host for this workshop. Thank you to all the students that signed up for last weeks workshop, it was wonderful meeting you all!

last weekend I also had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful artists at the demonstration I did for Dillman's at the Festival of Artists at Hopkins Center for the Arts. The watercolor demonstration is picture below.

If you have never taken a workshop or class from me, this week's newsletter goes into what you can expect when taking a workshop from yours truly.

YES Class this Thursday at the Civic Center in Libertyville 
YES Class this Saturday at The Studio in McHenry.

Pictured above is the watercolor demonstration I did at The Hopkins Center for the Arts.

Workshop Expectations

If you would you like to advance your watercolor skills in a week then I would highly recommend a 3, 4 or 5 full day scheduled workshop from an instructor that does workshops around the country, like those that teach at Dillman's

You can go the self-teaching route and there are many websites and Youtube videos you can watch to advance your skills, but taking a workshop that lasts a full day for a couple of days will advance your skills so much faster and it's a whole lot more fun than watching a Youtube video.

In my workshops, you can expect very personalized group and one-on-one teachings. Most of my full day week-long workshops start out the same way, with practicing, warm up exercises. We then all work together on a painting that I choose. If there is enough time in the afternoon I give the students the opportunity to paint their own subject matter and this is when I teach them more one-on-one, but for the benefit of the whole class, I talk loud enough so everyone can hear, this helps so everyone can benefit from everyone else's struggles.
Each day I go through different subject matter and try to cover most everything that you may come across when painting your subject matter.

Keep in mind that when you are in my workshop, I don't want you to think you are there to just paint pretty pictures, trying to paint the best painting of the week. It isn't a competition and workshops are usually a bad place to try and paint finished works of art. You should be in the mindset to learn and practice new skills
that later you can use in your studio to paint those pretty finished works of art.

The in classroom workshops are a little different than the traveling tour workshops. A workshop like the one I will be instructing in the Greek Islands will be a bit different when it comes to the timetable of when I will be instructing and when we would be painting. When on location or on a tour I have my students bring cameras and watercolor sketchbooks, then when we are back on board or in a classroom traveling to the next location that is when we do our exercises and painting instruction.On a traveling workshop, we have to play it by ear since one never knows exactly what is in store when it comes to the place, weather and the tours we will be on. 

My next workshop will be at Dillman's June 26th to July1st and if you are interested in taking this workshop I would highly recommend you sign up real soon since I was told last weekend that it is almost full.

If your group or watercolor society would like to book me to do a workshop or demonstration, please contact me at

I am looking for testimonials I could use on my website from any student that has taken one of my workshops. If you would like to write me one please send it to  Thank You!
BeckerArt Brushes 

Get your amazing Superior Synthetic Blend​ BeckerArt Brushes today.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

Sign-up for my Dillman's 2016 BeckerArt Workshops
Watercolor Artist of the Week
Each week I will be bringing you an artist that I admire and that amazes me. I hope these artist's will amaze and inspire you to keep on painting and develop your own style as much as they inspire me.

this incredible artist is one I have been following since I was a student at The American Academy of Art. I had his figure painting book and studied every page and painting in that book anytime I was doing a figure in watercolor.

If you take my workshop at Dillman's this year you will probably get the opportunity to meet Don since he will also be teaching a workshop there the same week.
Link of the Week
This Watercolor website has a great list of workshops. 
Artwork and get 20% off your first year. 
It's time to get your artistic life organized.
They also have a great newsletter about the art business when you sign up.
 For any other info please email me at