BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter May 10th Drying Lighter

Published: Tue, 05/10/16


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #54 Drying Lighter

Back when I was a student at the American Academy of Art many of the teachers there had their sayings that to this day still stick in my head. One that sticks in my head the most was Mr. Parks' saying "every now and then get up off of your.......(long pause, of course, we were thinking of the word ass) bench, get back and take a look at the whole thing". Such great advice and something that I always do when I am painting, standing back now and then to take a look at the big picture. Sayings like these are the reason I try to come up with as many as I can to help out my students remember my lessons. This week's Newsletter I go over my new saying "If it looks right when it is wet, it's wrong"

This week the Lakes Region Watercolor Guild will hold their last meeting before the summer break.
Lenox Wallace will be the demonstrator.

Another reminder I will be up in Lac du Flambeau at Dillman's May 21st doing a demonstration for their Spring Open House. If you are in the area that weekend, stop on by!

YES  to class this Thursday at the Civic Center in Libertyville 
YES  to class this Saturday at The Studio in McHenry.

"If it looks right when it is wet, it's wrong"
Here I go again with one of the many sayings I use in my classes, however, this is a new one that I feel is very important for my students to understand.

My saying "If it looks right when it is wet, it's wrong" means that when you paint a wash and it looks like the exact value you were aiming for, it won't be that value when the wash drys, meaning it will be the wrong value when dry. It also won't be as vibrant as the wet wash when dry.  You can see this in the example I had painted below. The upper wash is wet and it looks dark along with being vibrant. The lower wash is the same wash after it has dried. You can see that it has gotten lighter and has also become not as vibrant as the wet wash. 

This occurrence is very problematic for the watercolor student as they leave the wet wash looking exactly as they see it, not realizing it will become at least 10 to 20 percent lighter and less vibrant.

What I hope this saying will do is constantly remind the student that they need to make washes at least 20% darker so when the wash dries it will be exactly what they want.

Top wash is wet and very vibrant. When that wash dried you can see it lightened and also became less intense than the wet example. The image above is the same wash photographed when wet then when dry. 
Sign-up for my Dillman's 2016 BeckerArt Workshops
My Dillman's workshop in June is almost full, only a couple of spots left. If you are thinking of signing up do it ASAP so you don't miss out. There is also still time available to sign up for my Greek Islands Trip, sign-up for a trip/workshop of a lifetime!
Watercolor Artist of the Week
Each week I will be bringing you an artist that I admire and that amazes me. I hope these artists will amaze and inspire you to keep on painting and develop your own style as much as they inspire me.

What a great painter. Watercolors , Oils, he could do it all!
Link of the Week
Speaking of dark and light values in a painting, Anders Zorn was a master at painting excellent values. 
BeckerArt Brushes 

Get your amazing Superior Synthetic Blend  BeckerArt Brushes today.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

Artwork and get 20% off your first year. 
It's time to get your artistic life organized.
They also have a great newsletter about the art business when you sign up.
 For any other info please email me at