BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter June 21st, Workshop Ready

Published: Tue, 06/21/16


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #60, Workshop Ready

Can you believe it, 60 newsletters and I still have so much I want to write about.
I would like to thank all you subscribers for signing up to this newsletter. My goal for creating this newsletter was to teach, inform and help out as many of my students as possible. It has gone far beyond my students and my expectations. I constantly get messages from subscribers thanking me for the newsletter. Thank you!

This week I am getting ready for my workshop next week at Dillman's and it occurred to me that I need to write a little about how I pack for a workshop and what a student should pack for a workshop.
This week I talk about and list what we need and don't need to bring to a workshop/class.

Next month, the last week in July, I will be teaching at The Vermont Art Event
for information on the classes go to VERMONT ART EVENT

Yes to CLASS this Thursday, June 23rd the Civic Center in Libertyville.
Yes to CLASS this coming Saturday, June 18th at The Studio in McHenry.

Listed below are days we will NOT be having classes this summer.
I will not be teaching at the Civic Center in Libertyville June 30th and July 21st, and 28th
Susan Macfarlan will be substituting for my classes on July 21st and 28th
No classes in McHenry at The Studio July 23rd and 30th
Getting Workshop Ready
The week before a workshop most artist's get pretty excited about a class they probably signed up for many months or a year in advance for. In the months leading up to the workshop you probably put together and shopped for items on the supply list. As the instructor, I too get very excited and start preparing and packing 2 weeks before I leave for the workshop.

I always make a list and put down check marks when I pack my supplies.
I will share with you a list for the student and then a list of what I usually bring as a teacher so my students will know what to expect from my workshops.

This list is for a classroom workshop and not a plein-air workshop. When I do a plein-air workshop I would have a whole different list because there are a lot more things that you would need to bring if you are painting plein-air.

Classroom Workshop List for my students:
  • Paint: most instructors usually have a list of colors that they want you to use.
    I too have a list of colors but they don't have to be the exact colors on the list, close is fine for my workshops. I recommend Holbein because you can squeeze out your colors weeks before you leave for the workshop and this way you don't have to bring any tubes of paint with. Holbein pigment doesn't dry into hard clumpy rocks, it stays workable and instantly rejuvenates with water.
  • Paper: depending on the workshop the instructors will want you to paint on the paper they usually paint on. Bring a few more then you think you will need.
    At my workshops, we use Arches and usually work on quarter sheets/11 x 15, 140lb or 300lb
  • Brushes: Bring all the brushes in your brush holder. 
    I recommend 3 brushes, a 1 1/4 flat, 16 round and a rigger, but most artists have a brush holder full of brushes and since they don't take up that much room I suggest bringing all of them that are in the holder.
  • Tape: I like white artist tape but masking tape is good too. The Blue painters tape I don't recommend, paint usually seeps under that tape amnd the blue can be a bit distracting.
  • Pencil & Kneaded Eraser: regular #2 pencil is usually fine and a kneaded eraser. Not one of those pink erasers, they usually do more harm then good.
  • Sketchbook: something every artist should have on them at all times for sketching and writing in.
  • Mounting Board: any kind of board, be it foamcore board, cardboard, gaterboard anything that you can tape your watercolor paper down on.
  • Photo Reference: you can usually bring photos or printer copies and even digital files on a tablet. Don't bring digital files on a phone to work off of, they are usually too small a photo to work from.
  • Smart Phone: great for many things, the best being that you always have a camera with you whenever you find that perfect reference photo for a painting. Don't forget the charger.
Then there are things you can bring but aren't necessary if you are looking to save space in your luggage.
  • Water container: most workshop places have water containers available to students
  • Frisket/ Maskoid: unless the teacher wants you to bring masking fluid
  • Salt or anyother technique substance : unless you love the technique of adding salt
  • Hair Dryer: most watercolor workshop places carry a few that students can use.
  • Paper towel: Most places have paper towels for the students to use.
  • Artwork: bringing some of your artwork for the instructor to critique can be very rewarding but I recommend you bring a tablet to show your work.
  • Easel: some people like to work off an easel, fine by me, bring it along.
  • My Books: If you have copies of my books and you want them signed, bring them along
Here is what I bring to my workshops for the students to use and some things to buy:
  • Holbein Paints: I sell the paints that I use in a workshop, just in case a student doesn't have the color or could get it before the workshop.
  • Graphite Paper: I bring this copy paper for the student to use for no charge
  • Arches Paper: I bring 140lb and 300lb to sell to the students if they need to buy a sheet
  • Reference Photos: any time the class paints together I bring the reference photos and I have them blown up to the size of the watercolor paper if the student needs to trace the image using graphite paper.
  • Brushes: I sell my BeckerArt Brushes
  • Tape, Pencils, Eraser, and Scissors: usually if you have forgotten something I will have it to lend to you.
  • Original Works of Art: I bring some of my paintings and demonstration paintings that you can purchase at discounted workshop prices
See you at my next workshop!

Vermont Art Event
My next workshop stop will be in South Burlington, Vermont July 25th through 29th
This is a workshop where you don't have to bring any materials because everything in the classes are provided by Holbein and myself.

For Information go HERE
Artist of the Week
Each week I will be bringing you an artist that I admire and that amazes me. I hope these artists will amaze and inspire you to keep on painting and develop your own style as much as they inspire me.

David Taylor another great Austrailian artist that I have admired over the years!
App of the Week
3 weeks ago the newsletter was about mobile apps that artists can use on their phones or tablets. If you know of a great app, please share it with us.

This week I bring you the app Google Photos
I discovered this app by accident on my smart phone and on my computers Chrome browser last week.

Greatest thing about Google Photos is when I take a photo with my phone it automatically goes to Google photos and when I want to get them on my desktop computer, they are automatically there on my Chrome web browser. I no longer have to send or download my photos off my phone, man that is amazing.

I have a feeling many of you knew about this but I just found this out last week. Man I love technology!
BeckerArt Brushes 

Get your amazing Superior Synthetic Blend BeckerArt Brushes today.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

Artwork and get 20% off your first year. 
It's time to get your artistic life organized.
They also have a great newsletter about the art business when you sign up.
 For any other info please email me at