BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter August 30th, Out with the Old, in with the New

Published: Tue, 08/30/16


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #70, Out with the Old, in with the New

Back to school time is here.... this is a good time for you to get back into your studio and classrooms and start painting again. Many of us in the midwest take time off of painting in the summer due to the amazing and wonderful, but very short summer season. Fall is coming and we need to get back in the studio or out there and paint!

For this week's newsletter, I bought a new palette and have filled it with all my new colors, see below.

The Lakes Region Watercolor Guild meeting starts up again next Thursday the 8th with Tom Francesconi giving the demonstration. info HERE


Yes to CLASS this coming Thursday, September 1st at the Civic Center in Libertyville
Yes to CLASS this coming Saturday, September 3rd at The Studio in McHenry.


Out with the Old.... In with the New

For over 2 months now I have been trying out many new colors. The reason I am doing this is to start a new palette that has 22 to 24 wells in it. I am giving up the old palette because it is falling apart, cracking and I've had it for so long that I can't quite remember what colors I've put where. Many wells have 2 colors in them and mix together while I am painting. It was time for a new palette.

When I picked colors, I go with colors I love first and then add colors that I can't be without. Of course, we need the primary colors, Blue, Red and Yellow, but after those 3 get whatever colors you love. The only problem is there are so many colors to love and there are only 22 to 24 wells in a palette so you have to trim down your selection. Below is a list of 23 colors I now have in my palette.

I have 12 main colors and 12 opaque colors
(Horizon Blue is listed in both sets because I like it so much)

Main colors
  • Prussian Blue
  • Ultramarine Blue Deep
  • Peacock Blue
  • Horizon Blue
  • Permanent Violet
  • Crimson Lake
  • Imidazolone Brown
  • Scarlet Lake
  • Light Red
  • Quinacridone Gold
  • Permanent Yellow Orange
  • Permanent Yellow Light
Opaque Colors
  • Brilliant Pink
  • Shell Pink
  • Jaune Brilliant #2
  • Compose Green
  • Horizon Blue 
  • Lavender
  • Lilac
  • Yellow Grey
  • Days Grey
  • Grey on Grey
  • Chinese White
  • Peach Black
I have come to love the opaque colors because of how they handle and float in a wash. To see what I am talking about with floating opaque colors see my AUGUST 2nd newsletter

Most watercolor paint companies have these trial sheets like the one below so you can test out the colors of their watercolors. They usually cost a little but well worth it to try out all their colors.

Holbein Trial Sheet  #1 and #2 can be purchased HERE​​​​​​​

My Workshop and Demonstration Schedule
for the rest of 2016

Greek Islands Workshop  October 5-15
Glenview Art League November 1st

Info on the league's websites are not up to date. If you need information on any of the demonstrations please contact me.

Artist of the Week
Tom Francesconi was also a student of Irving Shapiro and I got to know Tom while we were going to the American Academy of Art. 

Tom will be giving a demonstration September 8th at The Lakes Region Watercolor Guild... Come watch Tom Paint!
Book of the Week
Here is a book that I hear is the best when it comes to choosing your watercolor paints. It tells you everything you ever wanted to know about every color out there.


Get your BeckerArt Superior Synthetic Blend Brushes here.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at