BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Nov. 1st, Go To painting

Published: Tue, 11/01/16


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #78, Go-To Painting

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. It is one of those holidays that artists love so much, myself included, because one can be so creative with thinking up creative costume ideas. 

I'm finally back in the swing of things after a long time away from the studio. I am now ready to start painting in my studio again. Sometimes when you are rusty and haven't painted a studio painting in a while I like to start out by doing smaller practice go-to paintings. What do I mean Go-To paintings I will explain that in this weeks newsletter.

Today at 7pm I will be in Glenview at the Glenview Park Center 2400 Chestnut, doing a demonstration for the Glenview Art League. If anybody is in the neighborhood please stop by to say hey!


YES TO  CLASS at the Civic Center in Libertyville on November 3rd
YES TO  CLASS at The Studio in McHenry on November 5th


The Go-To Painting

You are probably wondering what the heck I am talking about when I say your go-to painting. Let me explain... I use this term about a painting, or a subject matter or a style that you as an artist can pretty much do with your eyes closed. It is that painting that you can do with ease and probably have done numerous times.
It can be a type of painting or a particular style or medium you are known for painting.

Now you are probably wondering why is this important for you to know and what can you do with this go-to painting. These last two weeks I have brought up this go-to painting subject with a number of students because they needed to get back to painting a go-to painting. Again the definition is a go-to painting is a painting or subject matter or style that you can paint with ease and usually don't even need a reference photo for. Here are the reasons I brought up to these students why they needed to do a go-to painting:
  1. Demonstrating in front of an audience:
    One student was going to be demonstrating in front of a group of people and was worried they can't paint a good painting in front of a group, this student had never done this before. This is an excellent time to paint a go-to painting because you know exactly how to paint this subject matter and the people watching will be amazed at your ability and it will also help you to not worry about doing a good painting in front of people.
  2. Teaching in a classroom
    I have always told my students the best way to learn something is to teach it. And when you teach others you first have to know how to do what you are teaching and a go-to painting is one you know how to do so is definitely something you can start teaching students to paint.
  3. Getting back to painting when you haven't painted in a while
    This happens to a lot of my students that may stop painting for a month because of other obligations.
    The best way to get back into painting is to start with your go-to painting and then move on to other paintings once you are back in the swing of things.
  4. Using a new medium or art material
    Testing a new brush or paper or medium is a great time to paint a go-to painting because you can focus your thoughts on the materials and how they are handling and not worry about your subject matter or painting style.
  5. When you are stumped and don't know what to paint or doodle
    Have you ever had painters block and just keep on flipping through all your reference materials and nothing seems to inspire you, this is a great time to paint or doodle a go-to painting and that can usually inspire other works too follow. 
There are probably many other reasons and ways to use your go-to paintings and if you think of some, drop me a line I would love to hear what you do with your go-to painting.
Then one day when you get really good at painting, most all of your paintings will be a go-to painting!
The painting above is my go-to painting for every student that ever starts a class with me. This Pinetop, Arizona image is the first painting I make every new student paint because it has everything in it that a student will need to know about painting in watercolor.
Check out my Workshop and Demonstration Schedule for 2017 at

If your organization is looking for a demonstrator, workshop instructor or an exhibition judge
​​​​​​​Please contact me at

Artist of the Week
Milind Mulick  is a watercolorist artist from India who does so may great go-to paintings.
Event of the Year has a few changes since last week
Please join me on November 11th for an event I have planned to Honor our Veterans and celebrate the Chicago Cubs and it's my Birthday!
BeckerArt Paint Parties along with The Studio and Smith's Central Garage invite you to attend this party where there will also be entertainment and raffles, all to benefit our Veterans.
For More Information go HERE

Get your BeckerArt Superior Synthetic Blend Brushes here.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at