BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Jan 3rd, Sketchbook Challenge

Published: Tue, 01/03/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #87, Sketchbook Challenge

Happy New Year!
I would like to thank all my subscribers for sticking with my newsletter for as long as you have. 
With this being my 87th newsletter and having close to 400 subscribers, I have only had one complaint. 
I have had people unsubscribe, which I understand is totally fine, I fully understand getting too much email, especially when you can get this newsletter from my facebook page each week. 
I plan on continuing to write the newsletter as long as people are signed up and if you ever feel the need to contact me about anything, good or bad, feel free to write me at

It's the new year and I know many of you are looking for resolutions. I don't have a resolution for you but I do have a challenge. I think the new term for Resolution in 2017 has become Challenge, the same thing but with a better social presence. This week's newsletter gives you a challenge, read below for the challenge.

On January 22nd, I will be down in Marco Island for the Dillman's, Festival of Artist's.
If you are in the area for that day, stop by to check out a number of artists that will be demonstrating.
Here is a link to find out where all the Festival of Artists events will be happening in 2017

Let's do this!

Yes to Class at the Civic Center in Libertyville on January 5th
Yes to Class at The Studio in McHenry on January 7th, Smith Central Garage
NO Class at the Rivellino School of Art  in Long Grove until we get more people interested in this class, If you are interested let the Rivellino School of Art or myself know.


22/66 Day Sketchbook Challenge

It's the beginning of the year and of course, I've wanted to make some kind of resolution but I never really seem to keep them. This year I've decided to give myself a reasonable challenge that I believe I can do and that I am hoping to get a few students to follow. This will be good for all of us that really want to achieve becoming a good artist.

Every great master I have ever admired, oil painter, watercolorist, pastel or whatever kind of artist they were they all had one thing in common and that was they all sketched in sketchbooks. Check out a few of those sketches by my favorite masters below.

The challenge is this... 66 days of sketching in a sketchbook. Sketch once a day for 66 days and it doesn't matter how long it takes you to do the sketch. You can do it for 1 minute or one hour, it doesn't matter for this challenge. It also doesn't matter the medium or surface you want to use. I just want you to sit down and do what an artist needs to do to get creative and that would be sketching.

Why do I call it the 22/66 Day Sketchbook Challenge? Someone once told me it takes 21 days to make something become a habit, then I read this article and they say that is a myth and it really takes 66 days. 
So I decided on the 22nd day, I want to see how you are doing the day after the 21st day. Has it become a habit? Do you want to continue after the first 21 days? If you do that will be great. If you want to stop then we know it was a myth, but if you keep it up for 66 days then I have a feeling you will not want to stop and hopefully sketching will be a part of your artistic future.

I would suggest having more than one sketchbook lying around and if you want to use an electronic tablet, I'm okay with that, however, if you use a tablet. I would like you to also use a tradition surface once in a while. 

Please don't use social media to show what you are sketching each day, the time it would take to put it on social media would be better spent sketching. 

Doing a sketchbook for an artist is helpful in so many ways:
  • It creates ideas
  • it solves problems
  • it is great practice
  • it is relaxing
  • it records a time and place
  • it reminds you
  • it helps you understand
  • it has no expectations
  • it doesn't have to be finished
  • it is fun
  • it is meant for you and nobody else, kind of like a journal
On your 22nd day please send me some of your favorite sketches to this Facebook Page.
On day 67 I also would like to see what you have done and by then I will have a little something for you, for your efforts.

Start anytime you like, but start soon.... ready, set, sketch!
How many of these masters can you identify by their sketches?​​​​​​​
Make your own sketchbooks 
Check this out, you can make your own watercolor sketchbooks with Richeson Bookmaking Class Packs and they are made with watercolor or regular paper.
It's a good idea to have more than one sketchbook around, have one in your car, at work, in your studio, in the bathroom or anywhere you can think of that you can spare a little time at for sketching.
Time to get signed up for my 2017 workshops
​​​​​​​Check them out at:

If your organization is looking for a demonstrator, workshop instructor or an exhibition judge
Please contact me at

Sketchbooks of the Week
Here are a bunch of sketchbooks that are pretty cool but I don't want you to think about making your sketchbook cool, just do whatever comes in your head that you want to sketch.

I want your sketches to be about the actual sketching and not about finishing a beautiful work of art. This is about practicing sketching and coming up with ideas or putting down thoughts without worrying about any outcome.
Book of the Week
Yep I wrote a book on how to sketch with watercolor.
It is out of print but you came still get a copy here on Amazon
or get an eBook HERE

Use my brushes to do a little sketching in watercolor

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at