BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Nov. 8th, Simplify

Published: Tue, 11/08/16


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #79, Simplify

Last Tuesday I gave a demonstration at the Glenview Art League and the unthinkable happened...I forgot my demonstration painting including the photo reference at home. I couldn't believe I forgot it and suddenly went into panic mode. Lucky for me I had an example of a painting that wasn't painted on the back which I could use to demonstrate on. I am also lucky that I have a photographic memory so I could redraw the sketch really fast so I could do the demonstration that I planned on doing in the first place. It all worked out and in the end many of the artists watching said that they enjoyed seeing how I worked it out from my memory.
You can see that painting partially done in the photo below. 

NEW WEEKLY CLASS... I am back to teaching in Long Grove after many years away. I use to teach at the Hilligross gallery/school, but now I am starting a new Monday morning class at the Rivellino School of Art.
The class is a watercolor and or an acrylic class. Classes start next week and they start at 9:30, end at noon, the cost is $25.00 per class and they are pay-as-you-go classes.  Here is their website, the class is so new it isn't on their website yet.
Please contact the school (847) 383-6673 or me to let us know you are coming. 
the address is 350 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove, IL 60047

This week The Lake Region Watercolor guild meeting has the artist Rosalie Vass as the guest demonstrator. For more info on that meeting go to LRWG.ORG

Happy Election Day!

YES TO  CLASS at the Civic Center in Libertyville on November 10th
YES TO  CLASS at The Studio in McHenry on November 12th at the NEW building
NEW! YES TO CLASS at the Rivellino School of Art  in Long Grove November 14th


Simplifying Detailed Subject Matter

It is that time of year when you finally don't need to paint green trees and green grass, autumn brings the artist so much beauty to paint. The problem with this type of scene is that there are so many leaves and trees to paint. The answer to that problem is to simplify all the objects into large value patterns.

To turn a scene with many objects into a large value pattern of lights and dark you can do it in two ways.....
1. Squint your eyes and look at the image to see what the large light and dark values are. Squinting eliminate the colors making you see the large values.
2. Instead of squinting you can do the same thing digitally by taking a B&W photo and then posterizing the image to break down the picture into 3 major values. This is demonstrated below. 

Below you can see how I used photoshop to make the image B&W and then I used a posterized filter on the B&W photo to turn it 4 large values which in turn gives me large areas of simplified values. This makes it easier to paint scenes like this that have so much detail.

The painting above shows how I simplified the leaves and trees into simple large areas of light and dark.
Check out my Workshop and Demonstration Schedule for 2017 at

If your organization is looking for a demonstrator, workshop instructor or an exhibition judge
​​​​​​​Please contact me at

Artist of the Week
Steve Rogers Here is a guy who does some of the most amazing water scenes ....Breathtaking!
First Travel Workshop of 2017
What are you doing the first week in May.... I have an idea, come to my 4 day workshop at The Landgrove Inn, Vermont May 1st - 4th It will be my first workshop of the new year. Perfect Christmas present to ask Santa for!

Get your BeckerArt Superior Synthetic Blend Brushes here.

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at