BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter May 16th, Pronouncing Color Names

Published: Tue, 05/16/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #106,  Pronouncing Color Names

What a busy week I had last week.... at the Lakes Region Watercolor Guild meeting we had a great critique by the artist Tom Trausch. This man knows his stuff and gave a great critique to all the people that brought in artwork to show. I also became the clubs new President and will take my position when the club meets up again in September.

I also had a great time and demonstration last week at the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, if you would like to see the demonstration you can see it HERE. Starting June 22nd I will also be starting up an evening class at the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation on Thursday nights from 6:00 to 8:30pm. $25.00 a class and it is a pay-as-you-go class.   email me at if you are interested.

This coming Saturday I will be up at Dillman's in Lac du Flambeau, WI.,  for their Spring Open House
I will be demonstrating in watercolor along with a bunch of other amazing artists who will also be demonstrating in their medium. All the info for the Open House is HERE
If you haven't signed up for my June Workshop at Dillman's I would do it ASAP. This is going to be an amazing workshop and I have some special gifts for all that will be participating this June. sign-up by calling 715-588-3143 or register HERE

There is still time to register for the Paint-In held in Lake Geneva on the 10th and 11th of June. This is a great venue for selling your work. Get info HERE

NO CLASS NO CLASS NO CLASS this Saturday....I forgot to tell my class last Saturday that there will be NO CLASS this coming Saturday the 20th at The Studio


Yes to Class at the Civic Center in Libertyville on May 18th
NO Class at The Studio in McHenry on May 20th will be up at Dillman's for their Open House Festival
Pronouncing Color Names
Most of my life I had a huge interest in art and is probably the reason I wasn't very interested or good in other subject matters in school. When it came to math, and grammar in grade school and in high school I really struggled and is why I spent most of my days in the art department at school. When it comes to math and grammar I tend to struggle which you probably notice when you read my newsletters each week. I'm not the best writer even though I love to teach. Just recently I started doing videos on checking out Holbein watercolors and I realized that I didn't know how to pronounce or even write the names of a bunch of the colors. Kind of embarrassing, so I decided I needed to study up on the names and learn how to write and  pronounce them. Of course I'm taking you with me on this pronouncing venture.

I'm not sure who decides or comes up with these names for the colors that these paint companies sell but I think that the colors should have names that are easy and simple. I like names like red, reddish-orange, bright red, super bright red, and names that give an idea of what the color looks like. When a student asks me what colors I use and what color they should be using in their painting, I say something like, "Use a Isoindolinone yellow with a bit of Imidazolone brown"  they then usually look at me with that what-dah expression. It would be better if I could say, "use Super Bright Yellow with a bit of Reddish Brown" if those were the names of the colors.  That will probably never happen with all the paint companies so I think in a up-coming newsletter I will be renaming the colors I love with descriptive names to correspond to the hard to pronounce names. problem solved!

Below you will find the colors that I think some of us painters have a problem pronouncing so I have them spelled out phonetically and all but one I found links to where you can go and hear the name being pronounced.

David   dey-vid

I will be up at Dillman's this Saturday for their Spring Open House to demonstrate!
Remember to sign-up for my June 11 - 16th workshop at Dillman's this year. It's the workshop you don't want to miss. To sign-up for the workshop go HERE This year I have special gifts for all my students that attend.

I am also doing a BeckerArt Paint Party on the last day of the workshop June 15th that anybody is invited to attend.  For info on the BeckerArt paint party at Dillman's go HERE

If you can't make my spring workshop there is also my Fall workshop at Dillman's...or maybe you want to take both. They will be different in that we will be painting different scenes.
Artist of the Week
Love his work but I never did say his name right. Click on his name or picture to have him tell you how to pronounce his name. Love his work, which you can see here!

BeckerArt Brushes, easy to pronounce and amazing to use!

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brushes. Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at