BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Sept. 5th, Teacher/Mentor

Published: Tue, 09/05/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #121, Teachers/Mentors

Last Saturday I taught my first class in my new Studio/Gallery/Classroom and yes it is far from finished but I think it will turn out to be an amazing space. I think most of the students that attended class last Saturday thought it has great potential. You can see a picture of the front below, and once I get the inside finished I will post those pictures too. I'm planing on having an opening in December but I will have to see how the next couple of months pan out. 

On Thursday the 14th of September The Lake Region Watercolor Guild starts up again and it will be my first meeting as the Guild's new president. Good thing this guild is so well established and runs pretty much on all the wonderful volunteers. If you would like to join us we meet every second Thursday of the month from 9:30 am to noon at the State Bank of the Lakes in Grayslake, Illinois located at 50 Commerce Drive. For more info click on this LINK

This week I talk about teachers and mentors and how wonderful it is to have them help you when learning how to create.

Yes to Class at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday Sept. 7th 1:00 to 3:30pm
Yes to Class at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Sept. 7th 6:30 to 9:00pm
Yes to Class at The BeckerArt Classroom in McHenry on Sept. 9th 9:00 to 11:30

The Front of my new BeckerArt Gallery/Studio/Classroom
Teachers and Mentors
Last week I was thinking a lot about my teachers and mentors that helped me become the artist I am today. I can't believe how much these people influenced my art, along with providing me with loads of opportunities. 
I can't imagine how hard it must be for those that are self taught. I know that now a days with the internet one can get a lot of information and watch loads of videos to help them become artists. I do wonder however if the hardest part about being self taught would be who to ask about answering questions that can't be answered very easily by using the internet. Critiques by fellow artists and teachers are such a wonderful tool when creating and being taught by a teacher and fellow artists. Having a teacher help you out really speeds up your learning curve a lot more then if you were to learn it all on your own.

Having a good teacher and mentor helps one out so much when it comes to developing your creativity and also getting inspired to paint and create. I have had a lot of teachers and mentors that gave me such inspiration when it came to my art and teachings and I believe I did it very quickly because of them.

I had 6 teachers that made me the artist I am today. There was my high school teacher Mr. Rendl, followed by my fundamentals teacher Mr. Krajecki. Then came my watercolor teacher and mentor Irving Shapiro followed by my life drawing teacher Mr. Parks and oil painting teacher Mr. Smuskiewicz. These 4 teachers I always addressed them as Mr. and to this day I still do. It just doesn't feeel right if I call them by their first name.
After The American Academy I learned from 2 others Robert Wade and then my work mate and friend Max Ranft. These 6 people I will never be able to thank enough for their teachings and mentoring. 

You may be asking yourself why am I bringing up my teachers.... It's because I feel these teachers along with my hard work made me the artist I am today and I don't think I could have done it without them. I probably could have learned a lot on my own, but I think I wouldn't have come as far as I have. I also want you to know that as a teacher I strive to make you the best artist that you can be, and I love it when you achieve the artistic goal you have set for yourself. And I bring it up in hopes to get you to take as many teachers as you can.

I suggest to all my students to take as many teachers and classes as they can or feel a need to do. Check out their credentials and talk to other students about their favorite teachers and how well those teachers teach. Sometimes there are artists that can create amazing works of art but don't have the skill, passion or devotion to teach. 

Find teachers whose work you like and then research them out. If you like their style and you hear they are good at teaching, take a class from them.

One thing teachers and mentors can't do for you is to do your hard work, that is up to the individual. Working hard on learning and creating is where you need to step in and take care of business. A teacher can give you advice and teach you all they know but in the end it will be your hard work that will make all the difference in your work. 

Pictured below are some of my teachers and mentors work that I have acquired. These paintings hang in my house and every time I look at them I get so inspired and I also hear the teachers words they taught me back when I was in their class.

To all my students, thank you for taking my classes and workshops. I hope my passion for teaching and my lessons help you in your quest to become that artist of your dreams.
The painting above I own and was done by my mentor Irving Shapiro
The painting above I own and was done by my mentor Irving Shapiro
The painting above I own and was done by my mentor Robert Wade 
Let me be your teacher at Dillman's & Cheap Joe's
Artist of the Week
Last week I received a wonderful email from Kathy telling me about her reading my newsletter about selling ones artwork on-line. Kathy used one of the links I had posted, and came up with a website to sell her artwork cards.

As a teacher I love hearing stories like this. Love it when people use my writings or teachings to help them learn and create, It is the best part of being a teacher. 

I wish Kathy all the success in the world!
Student Show
One of my students Carol Fink Sackschewsky from my Antioch weekly classes is having a show opening at the Antioch Fine Arts Center on September 16th from 3 - 6:30.
I had the chance to see her works in the show last week and I can't believe how many works she has in this show, just amazing!

Get more info HERE

Get yourself a BeckerArt Brush today

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brush set.
​​​Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase the 3 original BeckerArt Brushes ​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at