BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter August 1st, Practice

Published: Tue, 08/01/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #116, Practice

What an amazing week it was last week in Burlington, Vermont. The 21st annual Vermont Art Event was probably the best week I have had yet since I joined in 5 or 6 years ago. I taught over 100 students, in 7 classes in 4 days. I taught watercolor and fluid acrylics along with heavy bodied acrylics and the classes did such amazing work and everyone did such great practice. Practice was what was big on my agenda to teach and everybody did just that, practice. What do I mean about practice, well you can read below what I mean and then start to practice all on your own.

This week I am in Canada and have thrown an art paint party and will be teaching some private lessons to some cousins of mine. I will also be photographing some amazing reference photos of an amazing looking horse ranch that my cousin owns. It's always fun traveling to new places but don't forget your camera even if you are going to relatives, there are always great shots to photograph and paint no matter where you go.

I will be coming home this week to sign a lease on a gallery/studio/classroom that I will be opening probably some time next month. Keep tuned to see what will be new at my BeckerArt Gallery/Studio/Classroom in months to come.

Yes to Class at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday August 3rd 1:00 to 3:30pm with Sue Macfarlan
No Class at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, August 3rd 6:30 to 9:00pm
Yes to class at The Studio in McHenry on August 5th 9:00 to 11:30

Practice Makes Perfect
Last week while teaching classes in Vermont I talked a lot about practicing and I realized I needed to bring this talk to all my students. I have come to realization that many student artists don't just sit down and practice. What I mean about practicing is to work out some new effects or try out a new paper or brush before you actually do the effect or use the brush or paint on an actual work of art.

It is very strange to me that with many professions, for instance sports or in music or when there is something that you are learning that is physically done, these people tend to practice what they do before they ever try to achieve the finished product. People in sports before a game practice and even warm up before a game. Musicians practice and warm up before a gig. Business people and teachers prepare and practice a speech or a presentation and teachers prepare lesson plans all before actually doing what they planned for. So why is it that artists don't practice or plan before they jump into a work of art.

In all my workshops I now have students practice what we will be painting before we get into the actual painting. This way they know exactly what to expect when we start painting.

Pictured Below are some of the practice sheets we did in the classes before we started on our paintings. I usually have them work on 300lb paper so one side is for practicing while the other side is for the actual painting.

Always make sure when you are practicing to use the same materials that you will be using when doing the actual painting. Many students think they should use the cheap paper when practicing because they feel they are wasting paper. It doesn't make sense to use different paper to practice on because it may handle different from the paper you do your finished work on.

Always have a scrap sheet of paper next  to you that is the same as what you are painting on when creating a painting. There are many times I need to do a brush stroke before I get to the actual painting so I keep a scrap sheet of paper next to the painting that reminds me that I should try it first there and then on the actual painting.

Brushes, paper and mediums all never come with instructions so this is a good reason you have to practice with these tools and surfaces and mediums. Get a feel of the tools and surfaces and surfaces so you are comfortable with handling them in a professional manner, it will help you so much when working on a creation.

My Workshop Schedule
Here is a list of my upcoming workshops that are scheduled for the rest of this year and also for next year. Sign up early so you don't miss out on a spot. ​​​​​​​

BeckerArt DANUBE RIVER CRUISE All booked

LE MARS ARTS CENTER  IA. June 5th -7th 2018
call to reserve, website not ready yet

website not ready yet
Artist of the Week
Linda Kemp-I had the privilege of meeting up with Linda last week at the Vermont Art Event and I sat in on one of here classes. It reminded me of how amazing she is as a teacher. If you want to learn about negative painting and so much more I highly recommend her classes. 
BeckerArt Gallery/Studio/Classroom 
​​​​​​​Coming Soon!

Yes you read that right, when I get back from Canada I will be signing a lease for a storefront BeckerArt Studio/Gallery in McHenry, Illinois @ 3314 Pearl Street.  I was destined to open at this location because if you add up the numbers in the address,  3+3+1+4 wouldn't you know it, it equals = 11!

Yes, it is right next door to The Studio McHenry.
Thanks to Jason the amazing craftsman from Furniture by Jason for making his space available to me.


Coming in the fall, 3 new brushes added to BeckerArt Brushes Set.
This fall I will be adding a 1/2" flat, 1/4" flat and a #8 round to my already popular 

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brush set.
​​​​​​​Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase the 3 original BeckerArt Brushes ​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at