BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter August 8th, Studio

Published: Tue, 08/08/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #117, Studio Work Space

I am back from my 2 weeks away and right back into the thick of teaching and trying to get things going with my new studio/gallery/classroom. So many new things will be happening in the near future, so stay tuned.

I had a bunch of people in Vermont and Canada ask me about my up coming workshops.... see my website at for all that information. I also will be getting a new website shortly with all new features for reservations and links to my archived newsletters.

This coming weekend a number of my students will be selling their work at Lake Geneva's Art in the Park. If you are up that way on this up coming Sat. or Sunday, I would suggest stopping by the event, it's always a great event. For more info go here

Yes to Class at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday Aug. 10th 1:00 to 3:30pm
Yes to Class at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Aug. 10th 6:30 to 9:00pm
Yes to Class at The Studio in McHenry on August 12th 9:00 to 11:30

Studio Work Space
I remember the days when I was back at the American Academy of Art and I was painting in my parents basement with a florescent light only a foot away from my head. After all those years I am finally leasing a studio where I can now paint a painting any size I desire. 

Are you doing your artwork at a kitchen table where you have to clean up after you are done with your art.... it's time to get yourself a room or area of your house where you don't have to move stuff around every time you want to get creative. If you want to do some serious painting and you aren't a plein-air painter I would suggest you find a place in your house or away from your house that you can use as your studio.

A studio is a very important area for an artist and student artist to have. If a student has to work hard on setting up their work space every time they want to create, more times then not the artist won't create or lose that spark they had for creating something that was on their mind at that moment. Make it easy for yourself to create at any moment and I find that when I have stuff set up and not put away, I work more on creating.

A drawing table or easel in a room where you can keep stuff out and not have to put it away after every session is what you want. It doesn't have to be a fancy place, it just needs good lighting and enough space for you to stand back from your work to look at it from a distance. Having your own space/studio, no matter what size small or large can really help you when it comes to being that creative person.

Lighting is number one when it comes to importance in your studio. I have found that a florescent light on the ceiling with a warm and a cool light works best for those on a tight budget. Tables and easels come in so many styles so choose whatever fits you best. Many artists I know don't use either, they use the wall for hanging their canvas and the floor for painting large canvases and large watercolors. A nice cart or taboret is something you want for holding your palette and stuff, keep everything on wheels.

Some things I don't think you should have in your work space is your office. Leave your phone and computer and distractions in another room or if they are in the same room turn them off. I use to have my computer and phone in my studio and it is amazing how often a phone would ring or I would check my emails and facebook feed. Those things are important to have but when you are creating it is a distraction that you don't need....TURN OFF ELECTRONICS, DON'T GET DISTRACTED WHILE CREATING!

The image below is of my new space, gallery and classroom in McHenry, Illinois. This is how it looks now, I will need to make a few fixes on the lighting, bathroom and walls but it a dream come true for me. Now I can't wait to get in there and paint!

Here's to a great studio space for every artist
Don't let your studio get this bad
I do believe you shouldn't have to clean up your studio when you are in the middle of creating. However there is a point when it can be a problem not cleaning up.
This was my studio at one point and it got out of control. I don't recommend having a framing business in the same place as your studio, it just doesn't give one enough room.
At one point I was standing and painting in a 2' x 2' square, then I had to move to the basement, not good. Keep your office and other businesses out of your studio.
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My Next 2 Coming Up Workshops
My next 2 workshops this year that you can still sign-up for are at Dillman's and at Cheap-Joes
get info from links below.

Studios of the Week
Check out some amazing studios HERE on Pinterest!
Artist of the Week
Annelein Beukenkamp -is another amazing watercolorist I always meet up with in Vermont at the Art Event. This year I saw she was teaching about painting portraits, a class I would have loved to sit in on. Check out all the roosters she paints on her website....amazing!

Your studio needs a set of my BeckerArt Brushes
This fall I will be adding a 1/2" flat, 1/4" flat and a #8 round to my already popular 

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brush set.
​​​​​​​Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase the 3 original BeckerArt Brushes ​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at