BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Nov. 14th, Lighting and Atmosphere

Published: Tue, 11/14/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #131,  Lighting and Atmosphere

Last week I had some great classes and I had to tell my students that I am so proud of them, they are really showing signs of great watercolor painting. Love it when students do so well. They also wished me and threw me a wonderful birthday watercolor party. I have so many amazing students!

Last week I was surprised to find out that Cheap Joe's had posted a video of an interview I did with them to promote my workshop with them in 2019. They do a lot for their teachers well in advance, which is something I have to start doing, organizing well in advance. The video is posted below.

This week's newsletter talks about light, without it you have nothing.

Yes to Class at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday Nov. 16th
Yes to Class at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Thursday Nov. 16th
Yes to Class at BeckerArt Gallery in McHenry, Saturday Nov. 18th

 Lighting and Atmosphere
With my many years of teaching I have come to see thousands of photos from students and my own. I have to tell you that more then three quarters of all these photos are just not that good. Most images we take are shot during the middle of the day and a lot of times with overcast skies or with nothing but shadow. My instructor once told me that out of one hundred photos that we take, maybe 10 of them would be worth painting the way they stand. Most images you take need some kind of adjustments. Even when you are plein-air painting the light changes so much and can many times screw up your paintings light and dark pattern. This is why creating a good value sketch is so important a step in creating a good painting with a good value pattern of light.

Without lighting you have pure darkness and there is nothing to see. Add a light and suddenly you see objects. With strong sunlight you also get strong shadows, which makes it easier to compose a good value pattern. Unlike overcast where you have to search more for the local color of objects to design a good value pattern.
Then there is the morning and evening lighting which casts great long shadows, making it easier to create good value patterns.

The reason I bring this up in this week's newsletter is that I went through many of my photos from recent workshop trips and I realized how many of those images will have to be changed if I want them to be good and interesting compositions and value patterns. It also made me think about how I need to spend more time setting up a photo and when possible, try getting up earlier or wait until the evening to get those beautiful mood lighting shots. Be aware of the lighting before taking the shot, try to create a good value pattern while looking at the scene through your camera.

A nice thing about digital cameras is that you can take loads of photos without a high cost but sometimes this makes us not take the time to set up the scene more, but instead shoot loads of pictures and hope for a good shot. This is something I do a lot but I need to slow down and really set up the shot more before shooting away.

A nice thing about the coming winter months is that the shadows always are long no matter what time of day it is. Nights shots also give you good lighting and mood, but make sure you have a tripod with you or stay as steady as possible when shooting at night.

The images below of the Notre Dame are shown with many different kinds of light. Check out how the ones with strong light seem so much more interesting then the ones with overcast defused light.

I'm not saying that every painting you do has to be of strong lighting, I just want you to be aware that if you use overcast lighting then you will have to work a little harder to get a good strong value pattern.

See how the last 2 images have more dramatic atmosphere... it's all because of the lighting. 
All 4 images are close to the same subject matter but the lighting changes so much of what makes a scene more amazing.

 Thank You Terry from Cheap Joe's for a great interview!​​​​​​​
Next Workshop
​​​​​​​Marco Island Art Center Workshop
Coming next year, on January 30th and 31st you don't want to miss signing up for my workshop on Marco Island. Get info HERE
Read More
Here is another workshop you can sign-up for that will be happening in April 2018
Artist of the Week
Michael Reardon  I found this artist on the internet one day and love how much atmosphere and great light he gets in his watercolors....amazing!

My 3 NEW brushes have arrived! Will be posting them next week.
My first 3 original brushes were made to my specifications, which were, The point on my 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.
My NEW brushes are the 1/2" flat, the 1/4" flat and the #8 round

Click Here to Purchase the 3 original BeckerArt Brushes ​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at