BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter October 10th, Cheap Joe's

Published: Tue, 10/10/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #126, Cheap Joe's

Back from my European workshop and one day to rest before I took of for my workshop at Cheap Joe's.
This workshop at Cheap Joe's was scheduled 3 years ago and I couldn't be more excited to meet Joe Miller and teach at his place in Boone, North Carolina. I have heard so many wonderful things about Joe and his place from so many artists that have taught here, and now I get to see for myself. 
Being so excited about this workshop I decided this newsletter will be about reviewing Cheap Joe's

This Thursday is the Lakes Region Watercolor Guild meeting and I am sorry that I can't be there as the guilds new president to welcome our guest artist and to run the meeting. Jan our Vice president will do a great job. Tom Francesconi is our demonstrator this month, along with conducting a workshop for the group. If you would like to attend the meeting and demo get information HERE

Yes to Class with my Sub, Sue Macfarlan at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday Oct. 12th
NO CLASS at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Thursday Oct. 12th
CLASSROOM will be opened by Gary Wigman at The BeckerArt Classroom in McHenry on Oct. 14th
Gary's says it will be a free BeckerArt Studio paint session, but I would grill Gary for his painting secrets on painting such wonderful details in his work.

Workshop at Cheap Joe's Review
I arrived in Boone, North Carolina on Sunday driving from a night stay in Lexington, KY, through some of the most amazing areas. The colors were perfect but the tropical storm Nate was hitting hard and there were tornado warnings all evening. I however love a good storm and photographing rainy scenes, but I opted out of going around and taking pictures as the storm Sunday night was howling and everything here is very hilly making me very nervous of driving on a wet stormy street.

Monday morning started out a little wet but soon turned into the most beautiful day and it wasn't just the weather making it a great day. 

I drove to Cheap Joe's and as I turned the corner to go into their driveway/parking lot I came across the sign shown below, which welcomed the workshoppers and me, with my name plastered on the front of the sign. Very welcoming and It only got better and better as the day went on.

I walked in early to set up and nobody was around for a couple of minutes and then Edwina the lady who runs the cheap Joe's workshops greeted me and told me all about the class and classroom.

The Classroom: is probably one of the best set-up for workshops I have ever had the pleasure of working at. If you can think of something that would make a workshop space great, Cheap Joe's already has it.

Here is a list of things that Cheap Joe's has for their workshops:
  • every students get their own art table and chair and you can adjust it to work low or high.
  • a young man helped everyone carry in their supplies into class from parking lot
  • the workshop area is a huge space with separate demo area and kitchen area
  • huge tv screen to show teachers demonstrations and teachings... with remote adjusting camera
  • the biggest art store you can imagine connected to the classroom
  • huge lunch for everyone brought into classroom at noon
  • Joe Miller personally greets everyone one by one in class before the start of workshop
  • everyone in class got a raffle gift of some kind of art supply
  • free watercolor water buckets for all students (love this bucket with 2 compartments for water)
  • extensive gallery with some amazing paintings from very well known artists
  • super friendly staff to help with any of your needs and wants
All this and it was only the first day

I highly recommend, if you get a chance to take a workshop, to take one at Cheap Joe's. You will not be disappointed. I give Cheap Joe's a 5 star rating for everything!

Welcome sign heading into Cheap Joe's
Thee Joe Miller of Cheap Joe's.... such an amazing guy and artist.
The amazing's been great teaching here. I will be putting in a demo area in my studio like you see here at Cheap Joes. Check out the huge monitor on the upper right, no mirror needed.
Just a small amount pictured of the original paintings they own and display at Cheap Joe's
Joe Millers personal office with some amazing pictures, items and plaques on the wall that show and tell some amazing stories.... my favorite was a plaque with a sketch and letter by Jamie Wyeth to Joe.
The outlet store with the workshop classroom attached along with porch and rocking chairs, pictured below
Put Cheap Joe's on your bucket list of places to take a workshop, the place and area are amazing!
If you didn't get a chance to sign up for my workshop this fall in North Carolina at Cheap Joe's
I will be back to North Carolina next April to the Kanuga Watermedia Workshop

Artist of the Week
Yong Chen Last week while touring Salzburg, Austria I walked into a gallery that had nothing but watercolors painted by this artist Yong Chen. He wasn't around but I talked with the women at the gallery about his work and told her that I was from the US and I was a watercolorist and loved Chen's work. His work was stunning

Get yourself a BeckerArt Brush today

1 1/4" Flat Series 020, #16 Round and a #4 Rigger Holbein Gold, Short Handle, Superior Synthetic Blend Watercolor Brush set.
​​​Made to my specifications, which were, The point of the 1 1/4" flat brush and the # 16 round had to come to a razor sharp point, along with a bounce back to straight action when applying watercolor to paper. The # 4 Rigger had to be the perfect length, the perfect thickness, and the perfect point.

Click Here to Purchase the 3 original BeckerArt Brushes ​​​​​​​

 For any other info please email me at