BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Jan. 9th, Best of Times

Published: Tue, 01/09/18


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #139, Best of Times

I hope last week's newsletter had inspired you to paint, paint, paint!
Many of my students that came to class last week said that they liked the idea of painting a lot, but they said they also need some pushing and constant reminding. I will be reminding everyone as much as I can to paint as much as possible. One doesn't always have to paint a finished painting, how about painting a fast sketch, it can also teach you a lot. The sketch above I painted as a demo for my Saturday morning class and it only took 7 minutes, so if you are struggling for time try a limited palette and just make something up from your minds-eye. It's like doodling but using watercolor instead of a pencil or pen.

This Thursday is the monthly meeting/demonstration for the Lakes Region Watercolor Guild.
Tom Trausch will be the demonstrator. For more info go to

Coming at the end of January I will be in Florida for the Dillman's Festival of Artists in Marco Island. I then do a 2-day workshop at the Marco Island Art Center. then a festival of Artists in Dunedin, FL, and a paint party at the Dunedin Arts Center.  Click on the links above for info

BeckerArt Gallery/Studio Report- now that the holidays are over I have been getting back to fixing up and furnishing up the gallery. The hanging system and floor will be the next 2 bigs things to get done. 
Now I need to find some used training tables. If anybody knows where I can get these used and cheap 17- 24" x 96" training tables please contact me.

Yes to Class at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday, Jan. 11th
Yes to Class at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Thursday, Jan. 11th
Yes to Class at BeckerArt Gallery in McHenry, Saturday, Jan. 13th

Be advised that there may not be a class on the 18th of January, I have jury duty that week.
I will send out a special notice when the time comes.

Best of Times for an Artist
We artists truly live in the best of times for becoming an artist. We have so many things at our disposal that can help us achieve our goals. 

Here is a list of things that many artists in the past never had, and we are probably taking many of them for granted.
  • A camera and video camera on our phones that don't use film that you need to get developed
  • An art store at your home with the best prices and you don't have to make a special trip to the one store in a town that is probably 40 miles away.
  • A chance to see any masters painting at a touch of a button without having to travel around the world to see that painting in person.
  • A portfolio of your work all over the world on a website, instead of a black portfolio of your work that you carry around showing your work to anybody that will look.
  • Press releases sent to every major newspaper without ever buying or licking an envelope or stamp.
  • Advertising for free on social media instead of paying to get ads into the local papers
  • Digital files of your work for entering into shows via computer instead of color developed slides that you have to send in for judging.
  • Your image of a painting on anything, like a coffee cup, an apron, a t-shirt or greeting cards without it costing you an arm and a leg like it use to for getting it printed on just plain paper
  • Getting your work in front of people through social media, something that didn't exist years ago.
  • YouTube video lessons
  • Communicating with most any artist in the world through the internet.
I'm sure there are many more things that I didn't list, but the point is we artists have it really good right now so let's become great excuses!


My BeckerArt Workshops in 2018

Marco Island Center for the Arts, Marco Island Florida Jan.30th and 31st, For Information Click Here

Morris Watercolor Guild, Morris IL. March 2nd, For Information Click Here

Kanuga Watermedia Workshops, Hendersonville NC. April 7th - 13th, For Information Click Here

Le Mars Arts Council, Le Mars, IA. June 5th -7th, For Information Click Here

Dillman's Spring Workshop, Wisconsin, June 17-21tst, For information Click Here

Vermont Art Event. Burlington VT, July 23rd -27th, Information to come

Artisan Materials Expo, Santa Fe  September 27th-30th, For Information Click Here

Artist of the Week
Grzegorz Wróbel is an artist I costantly see on the internet. Next week I plan on posting a photo of a painting I've seen more then any other and that painting is by this artist. 
It will be interesting if you have seen this watercolor I am talking about. Stay tuned you will see it in next week's newsletter.
Book of the Week
Painting Light by Betty lou Schlemm is one of the books in my library that I look at every now and then because I love looking at how this lady paints. Her work is so free and has always reminded me of watercolors painted by Winslow Homer. 

One thing bad about loving her work is I never have gotten the chance to read her book, I just can't read when I am distracted by her wonderful work.

New BeckerArt Brushes getting great reviews!
I now have 2 sets of BeckerArt Brushes... they are the original set which includes the 1 1/4" flat, the #16 round and the #4 rigger.  My NEW brush set includes the 1/2" flat, the 1/4" flat and the #8 round

Click Here to Purchase BeckerArt Brushes 

 For any other info please email me at