BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Jan. 16th, What do you Love

Published: Tue, 01/16/18


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #140, What do you Love

Today I have jury duty so I scheduled the mailing of this newsletter on Monday just in case I have to leave for the courthouse early and I forget about the newsletter. I haven't missed a newsletter yet and we are at 140 newsletters so I try to make sure I always work around my schedule. Todays I almost missed it due to all the things I have going on.

It's the 3rd week of January and I am again trying my best to inspire all of you to Paint, Paint, Paint!
I sure hope you are trying to get into your studio to create as much work as you possibly can.
Remember it doesn't have to be a full blown out, finished work of art, the work can be as simple as a painted value study or a sketch. I've heard some say again that they are not quite sure of what they want to paint, so this week's newsletter talks a little about what you should be painting.

Next week I will be heading to Florida for the Dillman's Festival of Artists in Marco Island. I then do a 2-day workshop at the Marco Island Art Center. then a festival of Artists in Dunedin, FL, and a paint party at the Dunedin Arts Center.  Click on the links above for info

Yes to Class at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday, Jan. 18th   
Yes to Class at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Thursday, Jan. 18th 
If either class on Thursday gets cancelled due to my Jury Duty I will send out another email newsletter

Yes to Class at BeckerArt Gallery in McHenry, Saturday, Jan. 20th

What Do You Love
Probably one of the hardest decision many of my students tell me they make is finding things to paint.
They say they spend more time looking for just the right painting than actually painting. This is something that I'm guessing is an issue for many artists. 

My solution for this issue is to tell my students not to paint for anybody but themselves. Don't paint certain subject matter because you heard it will get you into a show, don't paint because you heard that a certain subject sells better than others, don't paint a commission where the buyer tries and tells you how to paint that commission, don't let teachers tell you that there is only one way for creating in a certain media or subject matter. You can try these things mentioned above but in the end, make sure you paint for yourself. 

I always tell my students to paint what they love and know a lot about. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try painting things you don't love or know nothing about, it just means when they are looking to find subject matter start with what you love and know. When you start painting a lot you will then venture off into painting other subject matters and other mediums. This will have you growing as an artist.

For now, I am here to get you excited and fired up to paint a lot, so get out your paper, paints and brushes and your favorite subject matter and paint. That is what is most important right now.

My favorite subject matter that I know and love the most are cities, water, and boats. These three things I love to paint and when I am painting them in my studio with my favorite music playing in the background I am in heaven. I would love for all my students to achieve this feeling when they are creating. Learning is definitely a lot of hard work and is something all of us painters go through all of our life, but the more experience and learning you do, the easier and more fun the work gets.

Here is to painting a lot of what you know and love!

My BeckerArt Workshops in 2018

Marco Island Center for the Arts, Marco Island Florida Jan.30th and 31st, For Information Click Here

Morris Watercolor Guild, Morris IL. March 2nd, For Information Click Here

Kanuga Watermedia Workshops, Hendersonville NC. April 7th - 13th, For Information Click Here

Le Mars Arts Council, Le Mars, IA. June 5th -7th, For Information Click Here

Dillman's Spring Workshop, Wisconsin, June 17-21tst, For information Click Here

Vermont Art Event. Burlington VT, July 23rd -27th, Information to come

Artisan Materials Expo, Santa Fe  September 27th-30th, For Information Click Here

Artist of the Week
Milind Mulick I follow Milind on Facebook and here is an artist that paints, paints, paints and he paints what he knows and loves. Amazing artwork!
Painting of the Week
Last week I talked about a painting that I see on Pinterest and the internet more then any other painting. That painting is pictured here on the left.
I had asked my 3 classes last week if they had ever seen this painting, and none of them had seen it.
Then as we were talking about why I see this image so much someone mentioned it is probably because I had viewed it a few times which puts it in my cache file and history so Pinterest will show me that image because I viewed it a few times. I keep on forgetting about the history and cache file should be cleaned every now and then if you don't want to see advertisers using your history to show you ads about things you have viewed on the internet.

the artist of this painting is Grzegorz Wróbel , last week's Artist of the Week.

Paint Paint Paint, and when you wear out those brushes because you painted so much, then get some new BeckerArt Brushes!
I now have 2 sets of BeckerArt Brushes... they are the original set which includes the 1 1/4" flat, the #16 round and the #4 rigger.  My NEW brush set includes the 1/2" flat, the 1/4" flat and the #8 round

Click Here to Purchase BeckerArt Brushes 

 For any other info please email me at