BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Dec. 19th, SD Cards

Published: Tue, 12/19/17


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #136, SD Cards

Thanks to all the members of the Lakes Region Watercolor Guild who came out last Thursday to donate watercolor cards for the Camp Quality Foundation and for watching me demonstrate my watercolor technique of working on Strathmore Bristol Board. I'm happy to report that the club made over $200.00 for the Camp Quality Foundation.... Thank you members!

I was going to mention at the meeting, but I forgot, that our club made the local paper.
You can see it HERE

BeckerArt Gallery/Studio/Classroom Report: All the track lighting is up and now the electrician needs to hook them up. The front wall with the garage door was a big mess but last Friday we dry walled the entire front. The place is really starting to come together. There still is a lot to do but I hope to get it open as soon as humanly possible.

Yes to Class at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday Dec. 21st
Yes to Class at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Thursday Dec. 21st
Yes to Class at BeckerArt Gallery in McHenry, Saturday Dec. 23rd

SD Card Storage
A couple of weeks ago I was going through a bunch of photos that I took when teaching at the 3 workshops that I conducted in October and November. Usually a couple of weeks after a workshop I like to go through my photos and get them all organized on my computer and also on a separate hard drive.

As I was mounting my SD card into the adapter and then onto my PC, I came to realise that nothing was happening and no matter what I tried it didn't mount on my desktop and then when I stuck it back into my camera the camera also wouldn't recognise the card any longer and it kept saying no SD card installed. In that week I had a total of 3 mini sd cards go bad on me. After searching the internet and reading up on these SD cards I came to understand that these cards are not the most secure place to store images or data on and they tend to get corrupted very easily.

After having my data and images lost I wanted to let my students know not to store images on these SD cards for a long period of time. Get them stored on your computer and if possible on a Solid State Drive. Hard drives have moving parts while Solid State Drives don't, so it is somewhat safer to store data on a solid state.
Then I would also recommend storing your images and data in a 3rd place and this place is the Cloud. 

Storing images on the cloud has made me stop worrying about losing my images. 
What is the cloud? It is a server on the world wide web that stores your data and images.
Storing images on the cloud is a safe way to store your images and it also has become very easy to do.

Places like and Apples are places where you can store quite a bit of data.
With Google photos, if you are not storing super high rez images you can store an unlimited amount of photos. If you want to store high-resolution images on Google and you reach the limit of storage space you would then have to pay a fee to upgrade your storage amount. I think Apple's iCloud gives you only so many megabytes and after the limit, you would also have to pay.

The best thing about storing photos from your phone and camera to the cloud is that if you set up your phone  correctly it will instantly download your images that you take directly to your phone and the cloud. You can also have it not store your images on your phone so you can save disk space.  

Once your images are on the cloud you can retrieve your images on any device that has Google on it, like your phone or your computer or tablet. From your computer you can then download those images to another safe place like a solid state hard drive. But remember don't use SD cards for storage and don't learn the hard way like I did, start today and get your images stored in a safe place.

Below I found a nice tutorial on how to use Google Photos..... this can also be done on any Apple device.
I recommend Google Photos because it doesn't cost anything for unlimited storage.


Marco Island Art Center Workshop
January 30th and 31st you don't want to miss signing up for my workshop on Marco Island. Get info HERE
Read More
Here is another workshop you can sign-up for that will be happening in April 2018
Artist of the Week
Steve Puttrich - Here is an artist I know from The American Academy. Steve has also worked in the commercial art field like I had done, but I believe he is now doing the same as I and getting more into the fine arts field.

For more then 20 years I was teaching at the Palette and Chisel and I had started the school together with another lady from the club.
I had to give it up 4 years ago and now I am happy to say that Steve has taken my Wednesday nights to teach watercolor and I totally recommend his class.

There still is time for you to get my BeckerArt Brushes for that special artist in your life or just for you.
I now have 2 sets of BeckerArt Brushes... they are the original set which includes the 1 1/4" flat, the #16 round and the #4 rigger.  My NEW brush set includes the 1/2" flat, the 1/4" flat and the #8 round

Click Here to Purchase BeckerArt Brushes 

 For any other info please email me at