BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter Jan. 30th, My Workshops

Published: Tue, 01/30/18


Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #142, My Workshops

Hello Marco Island, Florida and the Marco Island Center for the Arts. Last Sunday I gave a demonstration for the Dillman's Festival of Artists, you can see a picture of the demonstration below. When I get home I will also edit the video and show how I painted it in a future newsletter. Today I start my 1st workshop of the year here in Marco Island. Then this coming Friday I will be demonstrating again at the Dunedin Arts Center. This Friday I will also be hosting a paint party at the Dunedin Arts Center.​​​​​​​

NO BECKER CLASS at the Civic Center Libertyville, Thursday, Feb. 1st  However Sue Macfarlan will be filling in for me and has an asian style watercolor lesson planned. 25.00 for the class.
NO CLASS at The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation, Thursday, Feb. 1st
NO BECKER CLASS at BeckerArt Gallery in McHenry, Saturday, Feb. 3rd, However Gary Wigman will be opening the doors at the BeckerArt Gallery for anybody that would like to come and paint and socialize for

My Workshops
Today I start my 1st workshop of the year and it is a full class. I realized this weekend that many people don't know what my workshop entails, so I plan on telling you about how I run my workshops in this newsletter.

First off I would like to thank all of you that have ever taken a workshop from me, there are many many of you and I truly love helping you all advance your watercolor achievements.

In my workshop, I except all levels and I try my hardest to make sure you learn no matter what level you are at.

Every day I start my classes with an exercise that the whole class does together to warm up and concentrate on a particular lesson. This is usually done quickly and done with the notion that it isn't a painting, it's practice and we all know practice makes perfect.

Following the practice lesson, we paint on a quarter sheet of watercolor paper of an image that I supply. this painting has some of what we practiced earlier in the painting.

For those that can't draw well or quick, I supply the image at a size that is equal to the paper and those students can trace the image to the paper with graphite transfer paper that I supply.

Every day I supply A different lesson plan that starts with the basics and progresses with how I feel watercolor needs to be taught.

Depending on the class, I do a lot of improvising to make sure that all the individuals get something out of the class no matter what level you feel you are at.

There are certain workshops like those that I do in Burlington, Vermont for Holbein and like the Santa Fe Expo where I do single classes that teach a particular lesson or medium. For instance, I teach a fluid acrylic class where I teach you how to paint with fluid acrylic like watercolors.

I always tell my students that if you have ever taken a class from me you become a life member to ask me anything, anytime about watercolor and I will try to help you out. I am always so honored that people want to learn from me, so this is my way of thanking them.


My BeckerArt Workshops in 2018

Marco Island Center for the Arts, Marco Island Florida Jan.30th and 31st, For Information Click Here

Morris Watercolor Guild, Morris IL. March 2nd, For Information Click Here

Kanuga Watermedia Workshops, Hendersonville NC. April 7th - 13th, For Information Click Here

Le Mars Arts Council, Le Mars, IA. June 5th -7th, For Information Click Here

Dillman's Spring Workshop, Wisconsin, June 17-21tst, For information Click Here

Vermont Art Event. Burlington VT, July 23rd -27th, Information to come

Artisan Materials Expo, Santa Fe  September 27th-30th, For Information Click Here

Artist of the Week
Rose Edin was one of the Dillman's artist I met last Sunday.... Wow, do I love her work! We talked for a good 20 minutes about so many wonderful art related subjects, Rose is an amazing watercolorist.

New BeckerArt Brushes!
I now have 2 sets of BeckerArt Brushes... they are the original set which includes the 1 1/4" flat, the #16 round and the #4 rigger.  My NEW brush set includes the 1/2" flat, the 1/4" flat and the #8 round

Click Here to Purchase BeckerArt Brushes 

 For any other info please email me at