Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #335 Matboard Shipment
Thank you to so many of you that had painted the demo car I picked for the paint-a-long last week... so many great results!
This week we are going to try a wet-into-wet, negative painting of leaves. I'm sticking with a fall theme this week.
In a couple of week's, I plan on finally doing a paint-a-long on Stonehenge Aqua Black paper. If you need some of this paper to try, see it HERE
Coming up on the 28th, 29th, and 30th I will be doing my 1st ever 3day online workshop for the Red River Watercolor Society. This workshop will be totally online and open to anybody that wants to sign up. Not sure how many have signed up yet, but there is a limit. See info HERE and
Yes to Class at the Civic Center in Libertyville October 21st 1pm to 3:30pm
Yes to Class at The Studio in McHenry, Oct 23rd 9am to 11:30am
Matboard Shipment Received
Two week's ago I was talking about getting matboard from the company online Matboardhq.com ... it came really quick but I waited until this last weekend to open it and show you what I got and to see if this could be a new place to order already cut matboard. They also sent me a free surprise that made the deal even better. Watch video below to
see what I received and see if I think it was worth the money.
Workshops and Demos for 2021 and 2022
Online W/C Workshop for the Red River Watercolor Society in Fargo, ND.
Oct 28th - 30th INFO HERE
Workshops and Paint-Party for the Villages Art Workshop in Florida
Jan. 9-13th INFO HERE
Watermedia Workshop for the Gold Coast Watercolor Society in Fort Lauderdale
Jan. 18-20 INFO HERE
After you buy the mat make sure you have some of this tape to secure your painting to the mat.
Get the 2" tape... and tape only the top of the painting to the mat board.
David Smith
I met David at the Grand Marais Plein-air event and it was great to see other watercolorists at an event like this, usually there are as many watercolorists as there are oil painters.
Check out his awesome work!
BeckerArt LIVE Paint-a-long Demonstration
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at
If you want to show your paint-a-long work to my Facebook BeckerArt Group
Original Watercolor Paintings
Daily paintings are available for purchase, on sale $150 now $90 dollars, order on my website.
The sales of these original paintings will last until Christmas... at the new year I will stop the sale so get your gifts before the new year. Thanks!
Click HERE to buy my original daily painting below or there are 100s of others
Shop Amazon Prime Day today and help me fund this newsletter by clicking the logo below to go to Amazon Thank You!
If you are looking to help me fund my BeckerArt business during this Pandemic may I suggest purchasing a daily painting and for those that want to help my small business stay in business click the Donate button below.
For those wishing to send a donation you can do it to:
BeckerArt 3316 Pearl Street, McHenry, IL.60050
For any other info please email me at david@davidrbecker.com