Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #328 Illusions
I've been preparing for 2 weeks now for all the workshops, demonstrations, paint-a-longs, and newsletters I have coming up for the next 3-1/2 weeks. I will be heading out this Thursday to get up to Duluth to the Duluth Art Institute where I will be teaching a 2-day watercolor workshop. Then on Sunday the 29th Morning, I will be at Dillman's where I will be conducting a
Demonstration, followed by a paint-a-long for those that want to try their hand at one of the demos I had just demonstrated. Then starting on Monday morning I start the Acrylic workshop at Dillman's. Following that Friday, Sept.3rd I am working on plans to demonstrate at the Wet Paint Art Store in St Paul MN. Then it will be back to the North Shore of Lake Superior to do a Mini-Workshop which is part of the Grand Marais Plein Air event,
NO CLASS at the Civic Center in Libertyville Aug 26th, Sept 2nd, 9th, and 16th
NO CLASS at The Studio in McHenry Aug 28th, Sept 4th, 11th and 18th
For those of you that have known me for a long time you probably know how much I love magic. I have always been obsessed with the art of illusions and watching a good magician do their magic!
This week in my newsletter I want to show you some art magic that just blows me away and I find fascinating. Below you will find illusions, where your mind will play tricks on you and this kind of magic can be used in your paintings to make things appear brighter, darker, or more intense just by adding other values next to them.
This first illusion is amazing with how a color can look more intense or more pastel by just placing a black or a white right next to the color. The X color of Blue and Red in these images are the same red and blue throughout. Visually they don't look the same but if you look at where the X lines cross you can see that they are the same color.
In this illusion on the left the grey top of the object seems darker then the object on the bottom. But if you look at the object on the right you see that the top grey and bottom grey are identical. The surrounding colors and values always effect colors and values next to each other.
In this illusion below the dots are the exact same values, again the values behind the dots makes you see the dots darker and lighter.
I'm not exactly sure how these kinds of illusions can directly help an artist in their paintings but learning about values and colors is always a good thing since that is what paintings are made up of in the end.
Hocus Pocus, you are now a great artist!
BeckerArt Live in Person WORKSHOPS and DEMOS of 2021
WORKSHOP Duluth Art Institute, Duluth, Watercolor, MN August 27th - 28th INFO HERE
WORKSHOP Dillman's, Lac Du Flambeau WI. August 29 - Sept 3 INFO HERE
MINI WORKSHOP Plein Air Grand Marais, Grand Marais MN. Sept. 15th INFO HERE
Value Finders and color wheels are very magical to own... get yours here today!
Kim Johnson
I found Kim Johnson's work from the AWS website. Very nice work!
It amazes me how many wonderful watercolorist there are in this world!
BeckerArt LIVE Paint-a-long Demonstration
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at
If you want to show and get critique for your work to my goal achieving Facebook group Sign-up HERE
Original Watercolor Paintings
Daily paintings are available for purchase, on sale $150 now $90 dollars, order on my website.
The sales of these original paintings will help me keep my art business going.
Thank you in advance if you purchase one!
Click HERE to buy my original daily painting below or there are 100s of others
Shop Amazon Prime Day today and help me fund this newsletter by clicking the logo below to go to Amazon Thank You!
If you are looking to help me fund my BeckerArt business during this Pandemic may I suggest purchasing a daily painting and for those that want to help my small business stay in business click the Donate button below.
For those wishing to send a donation you can do it to:
BeckerArt 3316 Pearl Street, McHenry, IL.60050
For any other info please email me at david@davidrbecker.com