BeckerArt FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter September 24th Lighting
Published: Tue, 09/24/24
Updated: Tue, 09/24/24
Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #486
Hello from Dillman's, here in Lac du Lambeau, Wisconsin.
Thank you again to all of
you wishing my family condolences. There are so many of you to thanks for such wonderful well wishes. Thank you so so much.
Get your discount for Watercolor Live 25? I will be teaching the essentials on January 21st. 24+ different professional artists teach. You can save now
with their early bird special and if you use the code "BECKER" you also get 10% off. Check out their website HERE
Email me
at for any info you may need about my classes or workshops.
Sun on Your Back
I have been doing a loads of painting outdoors and when I look for scenes I look for a lighting situations that work the best. I have one lesson I thought of the last time I went out looking for painting material... the
lesson is rarely will you get a good lighting situation when you have the shining behind you and throwing a shadow in front of you. The photos below explain how it is better to have the sun in front iof you or on the side of you.
1. Having the sun in front like in a sunset is a good way to show silhouette shadowing and is a very dramatic look.
2. Lighting from the side (like image below) gives you long shadow when the sun gets low.
3. Sun behind you (images Below) flattens the image because you don't see shadows and it becomes like working an overcast scene where you look for local color for you value pattern.
Product of the Week
Available Here check out this little pochade box, I think I may need to get me one of these.
Artist of the Week
Prafull Sawant Wow ia all I have to say about this artists work. Amazing!
The BeckerArt Paint-a-long
Live Demo From Dillman's will happen Thursday the 26th at 6:30pm cst Click YouTube Link to go to YouTube page
Shop Amazon to help me fund this newsletter by clicking the Amazon logo below to go to Amazon to shop... Thank You!
For any other info please email me at If you would like to donate funds to
support this newsletter or my free Live Paint-a-longs, you can do so by clicking Paypal Donate button below.