Published: Tue, 07/30/24
Updated: Tue, 07/30/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #478 Yesterday I went to see the TWSA e hibition in Kenosha and I have to say that the paintings…
Published: Tue, 07/23/24
Updated: Tue, 07/23/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #477 I believe everyone should try plein-air painting or sketching outside even if you feel it's…
Published: Tue, 07/16/24
Updated: Tue, 07/16/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #476 This week I am taking part in the Evanston Plein Air Festival 2024 Because of the festival I…
Published: Tue, 07/09/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #475 The weather everywhere keeps on changing in the blink of an eye. I had planned on doing some…
Published: Tue, 07/02/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #474 Wishing you all a Happy 4th of July. It has been a crazy week of catch up... being gone for…
Published: Tue, 06/25/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #473 Today will be my final day of the 4-in-a-row workshops that started at Dillman's, then to…
Published: Tue, 06/18/24
Updated: Tue, 06/18/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #472 I'm up here in Bagley, Minnesota for the second workshop of 4 that I have scheduled for the ne…
Published: Tue, 06/11/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #471 Hello From Dillman's art workshops. I am a little sad that I couldn't do the Cedarburg Plein-…
Published: Tue, 06/04/24
Updated: Tue, 06/04/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #470 Starting this coming Friday I will be on a whirlwind pace as I will be in a 2-day competition…
Published: Tue, 05/28/24
Hello Welcome to the FLOAT-YOUR-PIGMENT Newsletter #469 I am back from PACE24 and have so much to tell you. The one thing I witnessed the most when…